Poland Starts War in Østlandet to Retaliate for Traffic Fatalities

Day 2,382, 14:38 Published in Norway Sweden by noenting

After enforcing left handed traffic in the southern parts of Norway, British authorities are accused of mass-murder - by Polish authorities.

About 90% of the fatalities occur at the British-Polish border, especially after local resistance fighters removed signs indicating the valid traffic laws.
"We removed those signs. The Poles and the Brits have to be reminded it's war after all" says a Norwegian resistance fighter under the grant of anonymity. "The result was outstanding - within just 4 hours we counted 20 accidents - 18 thereof including fatalities."

As the British government reportedly had no intentions in changing the traffic laws in southern Norway it has been polish government employees who started the resistance war in Østlandet. Under the grant of anonymity one of them told the Fennoscandian "Poland doesn't care for why our citizen are dieing. We have to act. Better let those regions belong to Norway than having to deal with the Brits. We recently tested this strategy in Lapland and it turned out to work brilliantly". Asked whether he could think of an polish invasion of the UK he answered "At the moment Poland has no such intentions, but hey, never say never."