Playing the Game

Day 743, 13:40 Published in South Africa South Africa by OKayOK

I have been playing this game for 250 days. In that time I have seen World Wars, countries destroyed, alliances break and this country reborn. I have had the privilege of serving under some damn fine presidents namely; Jizzy, Gabriel, Ines and Enoch. I am also serving my third term as congressman of this fine country.
After 250 days I feel that I have not exhausted all avenues within the game. I look forward to developing my economic skills, starting a business again, getting involved in a ministerial position and perhaps get even more involved in the political landscape.
I was never one for party politics and only recently started taking an interest in the LPSA and what it can do for this country. I hope to explore party politics more in the future.
I have always felt that in this game I would like to serve the people of eSA and help the country grow. I hope that as congressman I can contribute in a way that will help the country.
I would like to thank the friends that have helped me get through the last 250 days and look forward to the next 250.


Mark Morcom