PigInZen for POTUS

Day 801, 12:58 Published in USA USA by Rainbow Slash

After a lot of consideration of both Candidates for POTUS, I have decided that I am going to vote for PigInZen and Emmanuel Cruise because I believe that they can bring the eUS out of the rut we have found outselves in due to the lack of a real war.

I have taken a great deal of consideration in Josh and Max too, and I also think they would do a great job too but I can only vote for one person so I choose to vote for Piz and EC, I really do hope that we can get some real activity in the eUS going, because if we don't remain extremely active in the world. our power will continue to diminish over time.

I endorse PigInZen and his campaign for POTUS.
~ Devon Donaldson