Petz Inc Opens New Food Business

Day 449, 20:15 Published in Canada Canada by Petz

After securing a loan from the Loan Shark as well as an additional sum from an unidentified backer, Petz Inc. has successfully opened a new food business, The Canadian Superstore. The new business adds to the organization's existing company, The Ontario grain Exchange. When asked to comment, Petz stated, "By adding a food company, we can offer new jobs to new Canadians as well as adding to the food made locally in Canada. The link with our established company, Ontario Grain Exchange will provide the supply to our new company so that both can excel. As with our other company, as the company grows, so will our wages for our employees. We hope that together with our employees we can excel." Currently there are 10 available entry level jobs at The Canadian Superstore and 2 entry level jobs at the Ontario Grain Exchange.