Petz Campaigns in Brandon Manitoba

Day 456, 16:27 Published in Canada Canada by Petz

Today, Congressman, Petz visited local farms in Brandon, campaigning for re-election to congress on his strong record on working for farmers. Petz declared, "I've stood up for all farmers, both here at home in Manitoba and across the nation. I've put Canadians first and I believe all those running for election should." Petz has been travelling across the province gathering support for his re-election and polls seems to indicate that farmers approve of him and his message. When asked about why he thinks people need to be represented by Petz, farmer Joe responded, "Most of us on the farm are just hard workers. We need someone to stand up for us when we have concerns and so far.....THAT MAN HAS BEEN PETZ!!". Beyond interacting with local businessmen and farmers, Petz took time out of his day to call Milt Stegall and wish him all the best on his retirement. "Milt has been a great representative of our province and the city of Winnipeg. He's been a role model and a true professional which isn't always the case with sports figures. I wish him a happy retirement and hope he stays active in our province. You never know, maybe he'll become a Canadian one day and join me in congress."