PCP Spokesmans Paper July 2012

Day 1,706, 16:59 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ayame Crocodile

Clicking a news piece will either take you to another article or to a thread on the forum.
[PCP] What we are all about
[PCP] Let the People Decide
Agenda and Notes from IRC Meeting.
Appeal for help in recruitment, roles in the party and more.
Design Contest, Win Gold!
Join the Game of Thrones Forum Game! With house Arryn we'll conquer Westeros!

Day 1,706, 23 July 2012.

Welcome to the new party paper of the PCP, that’s right you heard me correctly; the Party Paper is back!

The way this will work is that what you see now is a template that you can bookmark as a home for all things PCP ingame and will be updated by myself, once i am no longer the PCP Spokesperson then i will pass the template on to the next month’s Spokesperson, this version will then serve as a nice archive of what goals we accomplished, who won what new entertainment contests and of course link forwards to the next Spokespersons version of the Party Paper.

To fully benefit from the nav bar you will need to be signed up on the eUK Forums and then request access in the party subforum. Once you have you will be able to quickly navigate around the party to get involved. Fancy entering a competition or maybe play a game? Just click, perhaps you want to apply to be an official candidate for Parliament or maybe getting involved in running the party is your thing or you could of course just want to chat and ask questions.

The navbar contains the things which are regular roles and duties the party must take care of and so are now easy and permanent links; Apply for Congress Candidature, Apply and Vote on next Spokesperson, Info on Commune system and how to apply, Message current Spokesperson, IRC Chat and the Forums. If there are any other important links anyone thinks need to be in the navigation bar please message me and if you can it would be great if you can include a suggestion for the icon to go on the button.

Of course we still have a way to go yet in achieving all that is set before us but if we all put a bit of effort in then we can achieve some great things. I intend to provide the framework and enviroment that will enable us as a party to move forward, to be adventurous, a real benefit to our members and what's more to be FUN!

Thank you,

Have an increase in membership [current: 68]
Reorganise the forum.
Have some fun contests
Increase IRC and Forum Activity
Create a “chain party paper” (ok this wasn’t originally in my aims but i want atleast one tick to start xD )
Design a new party image competition.
Post atleast 3 seperate PCP articles detailing our programs, what we’ve been upto and results from elections
Get an Academy project started
Reintroduce specific heads to party functions or 'ministries'