Our Guests Season I (Lithuania) - Episode I (National Anthem)

Day 2,421, 15:31 Published in Norway Sweden by noenting

Lithuania has decided to visit Norway. In a series the Fennoscandian is explaining Lithuania, Lithuanians and Lithuanian habits to its readers together with Åke S. from the Norwegian Institute for Foreign Politics.

"What is the most important thing to know about a country - probably its national anthem" says Åke S. "The national anthem of a country says much about the habits and traditions in a country. So let us start with the Lithuanian one."


There is no official allegro to that anthem, although some Lithuanians tend to sing "Switch it off, drive away" to that sound...

A few facts on the Lithuanian National Anthem:
-The anthem has do clearly defined pitch - you simply choose the one you like.
-Every Lithuanian Car has an in-built sound device which is able to play the national anthem.
-The anthem is played very often - several times a day. It is so common to play the anthem in Lithuania that actually nobody cares for it.

If you are interested in certain facts about Lithuania and you would like to see them explained in the Fennoscandian, then simply contact one of our journalists.