Our Allies III- Warfare Analysis

Day 2,569, 12:58 Published in Canada New Zealand by Con122

Before we get started on the warfare analysis, I would like to think those who comment, vote, and subscribe to my newspaper, it's only been three days, but i'm good with just a couple people doing it, anyways, here we go. By the way: This was started at 6:30 am est time so I was half asleep so this one will do morning and evening battles! This will also be one of the longest articles we did!

The first war I went to was eRomania versus eBulgaria. Our allies our getting killed this round, as we are down 17.60Z% to a eBulgaria at 83.40%. I guess that we will lose this one. eBulgaria has many allies on its side, including eGermany, eUSA, wow... we just checked again and eRomania was at 69.14% to a eBulgaria at 31.86% and dropping fast, I guess we won't lose after all.

The next battle I went to was eUkraine vs eHungary. eUkraine and allies our up 68.15% to a eHungary at 32.85% this battle will come to a close one, but maybe Ukraine? I really don't know, give your input in the comments!

The final battle I went to this morning was eLithuania versus eSweeden, it seems these battles will go on awhile until a victor, anyways here's the present. eLithuania is at 47.62% but ahead is eSweeden at 53.38% which is pretty close and it is hard to see who will win, they both have 78 campaign points.

Up above is in the morning, this was published in the morning of EST. Below is the evening.

The first war I went to was eChile versus eColombia. 19 minutes in and eChile is at 36.01% against eColombia who has 64.99% but who knows what will happen. I suspect that eChile will end up losing.

The next battle this evening was eArgentina versus eSlovakia. eArgentina is at 51.72% the closest battle so far today. eSlovakia is at 49.28% but may come back. But so far, it looks like eArgentina might win, but to close to tell.

The third war I went to was eSerbia versus ePoland. eSerbia was at 54.27% after 45 minutes, while ePoland was at 46.73% while watching, I noticed ePoland was only able to pass eSerbia once, so I expect to see eSerbia take this one.

The fourth battle I went to was eAustralia versus eSwitzerland. eAustralia was at 38.08% against a eSwitzerland at 62.92% which is the second farthest this evening but I guess eSwitzerland will win.

The fifth and final battle I went to was eRomania versus eBulgaria. This battle was going on this morning as while, read up to see the percent of it that round. This time eRomania has 43.63% which is A LOT better then this morning. eBulgaria has 57.77% winning another round perhaps.

Spread the world about this newspaper! Published 12/2/14 358EST 12:57GT