Operation Monkey Business is GO! - Free Weapons and Food for eUS Citizens

Day 1,059, 23:36 Published in USA Albania by KOSOVA Batoa


It's official, OPERATION MONKEY BUSINESS is live!

Starting today, Day 1060, and continuing for a full week is something so big it's hard to comprehend the girth of logistics required. Every eUS citizen in the eUS of mother frikkin A regardless of experience, rank or religion can request and receive as much food as you can eat each day and weapons to fight our enemies with.

This initiative was put in motion by President Colin Lantrip in an effort to get more of us active and involved in the updated military module. Or as he put it:

"It’s not a secret that activity levels every where in eRepublik are down. In the eUS It is estimated that only 10% of active citizen fought in battles last week. Yet, we, our allies and the eUS, keep winning battles. Imagine if that number rose up to 20%. Or 30%. Or 50%.

Operation Monkey Business will encourage players, many who may have no idea the the V2 module has been changed to a more accessible and quicker fighting format, to try out the military module. It’s more important now than even to convince our less active players to spend and extra few minutes each day fighting for the strength and prosperity of our great nation."


Request your goods when you need them over the next week, get healthy and FIGHT! Help spread the word to others by shouting, voting up related articles, pasting the request link or by any means necessary.

Use this link in your shouts and newspaper articles: http://tinyurl.com/OMB-Request

Oh, and whats this?

"Also, we’ll be working with congress to temporarily increase the new citizen fee and a new battle front will be opened."

Since the citizen fee has already been temporarily increased 5 times from $5 to $25. I guess we'll just have to wait and see about the other thing won't we? Feel free to perch on the edge of your seat... now.

Keep an eye out for further updates in the White House Press Release and the Ape King's Newspaper, remember to always pay attention to and vote up the Official DoD Orders.

I would also like to point out that the supplying of all these goodies is being done entirely by volunteers. If you're interested in helping out, please fill out this application. And last but not least, please understand while we have many eager, young monkeys waiting to please you in servitude. Be patient as sometimes they may run into large volumes of requests.

We're counting on you eAmerica, to eat, fight, then eat and fight some more 😉

Respectfully yours,

Julian Mizu
OMB Distribution Coordinator
Disciple of The TAO of RAWR
(Part II coming soon)

For great justice, moar RAWR and by popular demand...