Operation Big Money

Day 1,041, 12:26 Published in Switzerland USA by Penguin4512

Greetings, friends and newly appointed congressmen!

In exactly 63 days, I will have played this game for a full year.
That date, coincidentally, will also be the same day where I leave eSwitzerland.

I've done so much stuff in this game, and I've really enjoyed my time here. I've met some really great people (I won't do any call outs because that would take up the entire rest of the article), and I've had the pleasure of working side by side with them to help progress this country.

When I first started this game, I immediately came to the conclusion that the current president, Eleriel, was a dictator and that the Shaolins and the SDP were trying to liberate the country. Only a few days old, and I already knew everything there was to know about Swiss politics.

Things changed, but stayed the same. Eleriel's band of followers became the Resistance after the Shaolins took over, and after the victory in May the Resistance became the Coalition. Some faces have disappeared, but many are still here, still working.

One year ago, eSwitzerland was a new country, recently freed from occupation, and about to be threatened by an ulterior force.

Today, we are a very new country, once again recently freed from occupation. But this time around the cycle, we face an enemy greater than any other we have ever encountered before.


Before I leave this country, I want to give something back to all the players who make this game so great. Dear friends, I am now submitting my application to run for president of the eSwiss for the month of October.

Sorry, I found it and I had to use it.

And so it commences: Operation Big Money!