Oh no, what have you done?

Day 1,393, 12:43 Published in USA USA by Pfeiffer.

LOL, USWP just elected me PP in the primary. Without opposition. I mean, I'm good, but that's impressive, even for me.

I've been trying to think of how to re-introduce the USWP to you all, because I plan on making some changes and shaking things up a bit. What came to mind inspired me to find a little ditty to be our theme song for the next month.

Mr. Freddie Mercury was truly a beast, even if he did lean UIP 😉

Basically, that's about it. Business as usual. Rape, pillage, etc. The structure of party leadership will be changing, but you don't want to hear about that. You want to know the fun videos I'll be using to memorialize my reign.

The Governator, hearing the lamentations of the women since 1947

We've already begun the planning for the next Congressional elections, I'll be rolling out my plans for the forum and in game media on the 16th, and the rebuilding of the Zombie Horde began over a week ago...you'll get to meet them all in a few days.

Basically, this shit just got real, and play time is over.

Daddy's home.

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