Obavestenje, citaj! Prepare for Fight!

Day 2,398, 16:40 Published in Philippines Brazil by Marighella Vive
First is Balkan version, scroll down for english version...

Stanje je sledece, nema sta da se krije ili izmislja..

Aktivnost je porazavajuca i difinitivno se u buduce vreme obustavljaju svakve akcije tima po politickom pitanju u drugim zemljama.. Ovo je izglasano sa vecinom od 99%, samo jedan glas je bio protiv i taj isti je napustio tim.
Ostajemo ovde do daljnjeg i radimo na razvijanju drzave, potrajace, al ce nadam se biti zanimljivo.

Od sutra se u jedinicu vraca dnevno sledovanje!!!

Povodom toga sutra pokrecemo RW u Indoneziji u regiji Palawan da se ispucamo malo, a i bice podela tenkica na nasem chat kanalu.

U ponedeljak ako ne i sutra ocekujte poruke sa novim avatarom a i MU u kojoj se nalazite menja ime i postaje filipinska nacionalna elitna jedinica sa dnevnim sledovanjem.

Uputstvo za glasanje za Predsednika stranke poredjano po prioritetima!!!

1) RD Philippines Movement -> glasamo za Bringer of Death

2) ePhilippinos StRoNk -> glasamo za Octavius Remus

3) The Shoe People of Philippines -> glasamo za regi2007

4) Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas -> glasamo za nenad smilovac

5) Proud Pinoy -> BaZ III The T0rm3nt0r III (ovde ne glasati i ne trositi glas, jer sam jedini kandidat)

Eng version!

Tomorrow 15 jun 03h erep time be ready to hit in Palawan, we gona open rw and fight there for TP medal.
Also all Pinoy people are wellcome to join the strike on irc @rizon #cipelici to get theire wepp supply for RW.

Because old people who dont play erep anymore dont want to give me status and control on official Philippines chanal on rizon (#erep.ph), im forced to open new official!!! So next time gov will give supply on new ph chanal.

This is how we vote for tomorrow!

1) RD Philippines Movement -> vote for Bringer of Death

2) ePhilippinos StRoNk -> vote for Octavius Remus

3) The Shoe People of Philippines -> vote for regi2007

4) Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas -> vote for nenad smilovac

5) Proud Pinoy -> vote for BaZ III The T0rm3nt0r III (dont vaste your vote here, because im the only one canditate here)

Anyone who want to join the party, join here -> Proud Pinoy

There is also a plain to open +2 PH national unit with supply, so any commander of his unit can contact me so we can make things work here!

BaZ III The T0rm3nt0r III
Philippines CP
Proud ePinoy o/

Proud MEK member, 😘 for my brothers and sisters 😛