No Regrets

Day 1,050, 13:35 Published in Switzerland USA by Penguin4512

It's been a long couple of days. It's all culminated in this, a surprisingly anticlimactic election day.

Currently I'm losing 51-31. Since most votes come early in the day, I think it's not to hard to guess that Walther will be our next president. Congratulations Walther, may you lead the eSwiss with wisdom and courage.

I have some things to say, but first I'd like to applaud a few players for their incredible efforts during this election. The guys that I'm about to mention fought and have played with loyalty, honor, and sportsmanship.

Rican: During my entire campaign for presidency he was always by my side, with words of encouragement and advice. He was always helping me and even now he helps me to be confident about the future. Thanks my friend, I couldn't have done it without you.

Mr. Flatroy: There are no words to describe how much I owe Mr. Flatroy. Most of you probably don't know, but Flatroy was faced with an imperative decision as the candidates were locked in. Many of his friends wanted him to change to support Walther last minute, which would have ended this election before it began. Flatroy was faced with a challenge that he would never have to make. It might be difficult to stand up to your enemies, but it is even harder to stand up to your friends. Thank you, Flatroy, for making the right choice against insurmountable odds. You are the true hero of this election.

Paul Proteus: So awesome.

Thanks guys. None of this would be possible without you.

And now, I have some words for Walther.

Congratulations my friend, by the time you are reading this the elections are most likely over and you have won.

But there are some things that I must advise you of. It is your choice whether to listen to my council or not, but I beg of you, take heed.

Stop giving citizenship to eGermans.
They might support you, and they'll help you take eSwitzerland out of EDEN like you so desire, but in the end, it is not the Swiss they owe loyalty to but eGermany and Phoenix.

Create a national army.
In your campaign article, you said that there was no need for an army in Switzerland. That's defeatist talk. Armies are an important source of player retention, and they also serve as a way to involve Switzerland more in diplomacy and foreign affairs.

Publish articles. A lot.
During your campaign, you published almost no articles, only one the day before the elections. Luckily, Clifford more than made up for that, but he won't always be around. The government can't just act as the law, it must also acts as a role model for newer or less active players. Be the change that you want to see.

Be bipartisan.
There are many talented individuals among those who opposed you. If you can seek them out and let them express their talents, not only will you can friends but you will also help eSwitzerland as a whole.

Be proactive, not reactive.
Not creating self-initiative is probably the biggest mistake of presidents in eSwitzerland. It's why Jimakos got impeached, it's why you lost to Paul and JNArno, it's why Eleriel won in May, and why he lost in June. You've got to be out there, offering new ideas, coming up with your own, and implementing them.

Good luck, Walther. We're counting on you.