no active usa battles, when will raw wep price drop to .03?

Day 2,026, 10:18 Published in USA USA by ComputerSpeaker

get ready to buy at .03 and prepare for the next war. though it might take a week before people forget they hired employees and they actually lose money when they lower their raw price to .03 to clean out their full storage. but get ready for it. unless the eUSA is able to get another active battle soon to keep the demand for weps high enough to support the .04 raw wep price. but q7 weps have not gone up to 9 and currently all wep prices are such that buying raws at .04 and hiring employees is not profitable. so the only way to be profitable with employees is to use then to produce raws to sell at .04. but without employees in factories there is no demand for raw weps. so raw weps should drop to .03. after the people forget that they hired employees to sell raw weps at .04.
yeah 49 pages of raw weps at .04, if we go through a page a day and no one produces any more it would take a month and half to go through all those raw weps. and last time when raw weps dropped to .03 there was only 42 pages of raw weps at .04.

so do not produce more raw weps with employees!

ohh a secondary effect. that is semi more subtle. food raw prices. when there is a war people sell food raw at .02 to get money to buy more weps. but when the war ends they rebuild their raw food stockpiles. so when there is a war food prices drop and wep prices rise. when there is peace for a bit the food prices rise and wep prices drop. I guess this is useful information next time! i only made 3000 on this war 🙁 i should have made more. but i was trying to be conservative.

how long of a memory do you think the average player has?