Night talk

Day 1,727, 15:46 Published in Germany USA by Ivaylo88

Hey folk ,
It's late night here for which i have to say to you it's a bit maybe late , but i have time now .
So let's keep it short before my head falls on my desc and probably yours too 🙂 I had officially candidated for LPP president and i openly ask for your support in the upcoming election ( the members of the party ofc but anyone is free to express it anyhow 😃 ). In short my plan is simple - little more activity would be good for start i think , second priority would be our let's call it doctrine or general plan call it as you wish but we must know where we stand , what are our goals etc. and even more important when we clear that we must deliver that whole thing to the people who to recognise that idea as their and to support us . Also i wish to say that i will count on your support as i did so far , cause alone i won't be able to achieve anything at all , we must stick together and keep the good atmosphere that we have in our LPP . I will count also on the guys with more experience to guide us on this long path and give advice , cause after all we are team and we walk together .
In short that's my priorities if you think i am your guy you know what to do it would be a honor for me to serve the LPP as i did before in the Bundestag.

Last but not least i want to thank the LPP for the nice place they created and all that they gave me so far you rock !

I noticed in my last articles there was no music so today i think it's time to bring back the tradition with some nice piece of art : MUSIC

That's it for now wish you all a peaceful and goodnight 🙂