new offer: get ripped off [upgrade]

Day 1,491, 12:52 Published in Russia Germany by eisenmutter2

so i logged in and it was like wtf?! q6 how... great could that be?

but than i saw that it is just 2more health per unit (for food) but costs from q5 to q6 laughable 200gold.
more expensive = superior? no man.

buy this company. its a company. it has one floor more than the other companies and costs just the double price.

something seems a bit off dont you think?

lets calculate:

lets say you sell q5 food for 3,6rub now
and for q6 food you will get 1rub more + tax

->remember that would be 1rub + some tax for 2health more and q1 food is about 0,73rub???

so yeah q6 food with a price >1rub above q5 food is ridiculous but lets just calculate it with that because im bad at math.

so if you produce 200units food in a q6 company that would be a proft gain of 200rub per day in comparison to your old q5 company... and 200gold investment for a q6 company are rough 200.000rub

200.000rub : 200rub extra-utopic-profit = 1000

well 1000days for an investment to pay of that sounds fair...

its like selling houses to people on credit who cant afford to pay it back. ridiculous! nobody would ever do something... oh wait...

special offer for a short unlimited time: buy this (picture of a) pyrite for 50g!
just donate the gold and i send you this wonderful pic in 24h after your last payment-rate.
[18.297/100.000.000 already sold!]

upgrade to thoughts about q6 weapon

for my thoughts about q6 weapon companies, see the first comment from me for a rough quality calculation + the following:

the short version:
its a ripoff too... well, not as bad as with q6 food.

long version:
there are tax differences and the investment of raw is higher with weapons
(for example: a q1 weapon is about 7,25 incl tax... but it needs 10raw each worth 0.3rub. that raw you have to invest besides your working-health -> you had nearly half of the profit of the weapon if you just had sold the raw. but yes. with a q6 weapon company this gap will be higher and of course you will make a bit more profit with q6 weapon than with just selling the needed raw. but does that profit equals 200g in a reasonable timespan??? even plato will quit or be banned for using multis before the amortisation of this stuff!!! well yeah more likely for goldfarming... he is greek after all.)

so the big profit (of your work) on first glance will be narrowed a lot...
+ with 200g you can build many q4 raw companies!

dont buy that sh!t! in WWI spades were fine too...