New Era PTO threat

Day 1,999, 06:30 Published in United Kingdom Poland by wigibob

I am writing this article just after withdrawing myself from the New Era PP elections, as you probably know mwceberus (the guy who PTO'd the UKPP) has joined New Era and set himself as a candidate for the PP elections

So I have decided to withdraw myself and I am asking everyone who would have voted for me to: vote for Big Ant

Big Ant (although a very slightly mysterious person at times) is your best candidate, he will ensure that New Era survives and I am confident that he will do a good job anyway

So as your (loyal) Secretary General of New Era I am asking you to vote Big Ant in the PP elections

Thanks for reading


(4x Vice PP, 2x Secretary General of New Era and 3x Congress member)

Update: Dr.Hugh Jardon a former member has joined New Era, he is now spreading vicious rumours and trying to help Mwceberus PTO New Era, do not let him!!!