My Presence in Canada

Day 1,157, 07:55 Published in Canada USA by Penguin4512

Note: The events in the following story are entirely fictional. Dio Brando is in the intellectual property of the Empire of Pakistan and is in no way owned, possessed, or affected by the characters in this passage. Thank you.

Greetings, people of the far north, who are players of ice hockey and bringers of maple syrup in times when condiments for waffles are desperately needed. I come in peace.

By which I mean I'm not here to steal your Canadian gold or anything. In fact, I'm here on a very important quest. A quest for a great treasure, perhaps the greatest treasure ever to exist in all of eRepublik. This treasure, as you must certainly have guessed by now, is none other than DIO BRANDO™'s LEFT EYEBROW.

What!? you don't know about Dio Brando™'s left eyebrow? Let me bring you up to speed...

It all began with the infamous Dioist exodus to Switzerland. Years ago, Dio Brando, God Emperor of the sun-scorched sands journeyed to the land of snow and big cheese on a secret mission, the purpose of which to this day remains unknown. As a matter of fact, all that is known about his stay in Switzerland, is that on the return trip, his left eyebrow was no longer attached to his body. The entire event was hushed up, and forgotten.

Around this time, three Swiss revolutionaries, Clifford Burns, Eleriel and nicktheh drafted the Declaration of Independence. This document stated that Switzerland would never live under Dioist influence. It is hailed as Switzerland's greatest artifact, and was sealed in the mausoleum of Antonio Fonti, to rest for eternity. Until now.

When they signed the Declaration of Independence, the three founders had something quite different in mind. The Declaration's front is a slap to the face of Dioist imperialism. But I have reason to believe that the back is of far more important. Yes, dear readers. On the back of the Declaration of Independence, our country's founding document, is a treasure map to
the greatest piece of facial hair ever to have grown above somebody's left eye. THE LOST AND FORGOTTEN LEFT EYEBROW OF DIO BRANDO™.

Sadly, the Swiss government attempted to have me locked up in one of their "first-class hospitals" when I approached them with the theory. So, I had to resort to means which were a mite illegal. By which I mean I stole the Declaration of Independence (oh, and committed a triple homicide in the process).

Or rather... I didn't steal it myself. While I sat in my apartment eating ice cream and playing Starcraft, my faithful sidekick Rican snuck out, disabled the guards, hacked the security network, stole the Declaration, skiied down Mont Blanc shooting at his puirsuers pursuers who were trying to gun him down from snowmobiles, escaped through the narrow alleyways of Zurich, and returned to me. As a reward I offered him a pay raise and extended his coffee break.


But to my surprise, the back of the Declaration was blank. Completely blank. But not to fear, my superior intellect and ability to reason quickly found the cause... the treasure map was obviously written in some sort of invisible ink! But how to reveal it?

Luckily, I had conducted a large amount of research before borrowing the Declaration. You may recall that it was originally signed by Eleriel, Clifford Burns, and nicktheh. I had made sure to gather as much information about them as possible before performing the operation.

Eleriel, the first signer, was dead. Shortly after signing the Declaration, he had been killed fighting in the liberation war. The many biographies of him, though full of praise, were devoid of solid information.

Clifford Burns was still alive, however, and rich as well. He owned a mansion up in the mountains, and I had made a journey up to his abode, thirsty for knowledge.

Clifford Burns, as seen on the cover of eRep finance magazine

All to no avail. When I had mentioned the secret treasure map, Clifford's eyes had turned a fiery red and he had ordered his servants to "release the hounds." If not for Rican throwing cans of Chef Boyarde to distract the mastiffs chasing us, I never would have escaped alive.

So that left nicktheh, who was chilling in Federal Prison. (He got busted for stalking several women and secretly taking pictures of them, see his articles). He was in solitary confinement, and there was no way to contact him. Thankfully, I didn't need to.

While looking through some old sources, I hit the jackpot. For several months during Switzerland's war for liberation, a Russian group known as the Shaolin Monastery had occupied the capital. Nicktheh, fearing the Shaolins would destroy the Declaration, had taken the document and fled to Canada. Only after the Shaolins had left had he returned.

Canada. The Declaration of Independence. Dio Brando™'s left eyebrow. Somehow they are all connected.

The back of the Declaration is blank, but I know the map is there somewhere. I just need to reveal it.

And once I reveal it, the treasure will BE MINE!