My Plans for a New Switzerland

Day 1,048, 07:17 Published in Switzerland USA by Penguin4512

Gonna fly now...

It's finally happened. I'm running for president. I can't believe it.
It's easy to sit back and imagine what it'll be like if I win. But I still have a long way to go. Two more days until the 5th... I'm anticipating it but at the same time dreading it.

I have stiff competition. Walther Rathenau is back again, and this time he's determined to win. But luckily for me, I have the support of the Switzerland Reform Alliance, as well as the support of the Swiss Liberal Party.

These guys are counting on me to try my hardest to win this election. I can't let them down. So without further ado, here's a summary of my goals and plans for eSwitzerland.

Goal 1: Increase population by 65%, from 350 to about 600 players.

Oh yeah, this is a big one. I'm not just planning to get a measly 10% increase here. I'm going for all the money.


I'm not gonna lie, it's going to be difficult. But I think that if we all exert our maximum effort, if we really, really try, we're going to be able to do it.

Of course, it would be foolish to rush into a goal without a plan. Naturally, we'll be going for a babyboom, by posting on external forums or in the RL media, but the most important thing is to retain any new players we gain.

For this we need direct, government, activity.

I'm talking about daily articles or reports from the government, new media programs and rewards system, a rebirth of the old Resistance mentor program, and maybe most important, a new initiative which I've called GTPI: Get The People Involved.

GTPI is going to be relatively simple. In Switzerland, a good majority of our players are drifters. They're active for a few days, inactive for a while, active again for a while... These guys often have great ideas, but because they're not consistent enough they can't be in my cabinet (which is going to be a hell of a job, trust me).

After discussing a new idea with my ministers, and assuming this idea isn't top-secret or confidential, I'm going to publish the idea in an article. (For example: [GTPI] The Constitution). I'll summarize the idea, give the pros and cons, and then ask for feedback and ideas via the comments system. This way, new players or drifters can have a feel for what is happening or changing in eSwitzerland, and submit their ideas easily, so that everyone can be heard.

Goal 2: Secure all Swiss regions.

The New World is constantly changing, and each day an ulterior force might decide to lay it's stake on eSwitzerland.

Right now we're in a perilous position. No armies... no MPPS's.
And with the new rules soon to come into effect, no defensive advantage.

We've got to whip Switzerland into shape, and their's no time to waste.


The sky people will send us a message, that they can take whatever they want, and no one can stop them. Well we will send them a message! You ride out as fast as the wind can carry you, you tell the other clans to come, You tell them Penguin Mak Tao calls to them, and you fly now with me, my brothers, sisters! And we will show the sky people that they cannot take whatever they want... Because this! This is OUR land!

But in all honesty, we need a military. So the first thing I'll do, the very first thing act if I become president will be to establish an eSwiss National Army.

Oh, there won't be very many recruits at first, that's for sure. But we'll grow, steadily, and surely, And one day, the entire world will speak SWISS!

Goal 3: Conquer Lionking.

Some people say that Lionking is Serbia. Some day that Lionking is China. Some even say that it's America!

But soon they will stand back in awe and say: Wow! Lionking is SWITZERLAND!

Oh, by the way, we conquered Europe.

That's all guys. Have a great day!
And remember: VOTE PENGUIN!