My plan for South Korea

Day 1,109, 21:22 Published in South Korea Romania by Clopoyaur

My plan for South Korea

A few days ago I was chosen by the party to run into the presidential elections this month. So here it is how I picture South Korea in the next 30 days.

I am Clopoyaur, a very old player in E-Republik (more than 2 years of playing), for 3 months South Korean congressman and for 2 months Minister of Foreign Affairs under Grease administration. I decided to run for the presidency because I want to do some good things for South Korea.

So, here is my plan:


I want to put in action the JasKo Union (meaning conquering a few or all Japan regions depending on the negotiations). Taking into consideration the new resources spread, a union would ensure a great bonus for food (around 20😵. It is better to have a very good productivity in one country than to have 2 countries with small productivity.
Also, I would welcome any other arrangements that can bring benefits to our nation (more details can come at the right moment).
Also I will try to get 2-3 MPPs to ensure us daily fights and I will try to maintain good relations with China (the main power in the area).


Currently the only open war we have is the one with Japan. Since we are somehow on the same side, I intend to use it only as TW or as a mean to create benefits to both countries.


I intend to make a stronger relation (bond) between the native Koreans and the immigrants. This is why in my interview for resita2009 I have proposed a Minister of Integration. I know a lot of people that know both Korean and English and with their help I can facilitate this goal (like rythemdj, Grease or Kreussen for example).
Also, maybe a few posts in the forums of other games might bring new players into eSouth Korea. I hope to have an at least 10% increase in population this month.


South Korea needs an army that should be trained daily, capable of inflicting damage when and where is needed. We have a few very good fighters but power is nothing without control. Since now we have 2 MPPs that bring us daily fights, we need to have daily orders for population and also for the army. This is why I have started the South Korean Dragons Army, a project designed to create an army capable of defending South Korea. I am quite an old player and I know how armies should be organized. The strength of a country in E-Republik consists in his ability to organize his soldiers and citizens to fight when is needed and where is needed. I intend to keep collaboration with DC Inside (the one that runs now the South Korean Guard) and maybe join those 2 armies.


I want a stronger implication from the congress. I want a chat to be used for the congress and ideas to be debated more before going to vote.


The eGod gifted South Korea with very precious resources, also quite rare in the area (Iron, Grain and Aluminium). This is why we have to benefit at maximum. At this moment we should focus on doing what we can do best. Having high iron and high grain determines the first direction for our economy: producing these 2 goods. Also, if everything works out in external relations we could get a 15-20% bonus for food. Food can be the second direction in our economy. This can bring a lot of invertors from outside the country and also abroad workers.
However, the population number, still small, doesn't allow us to do everything, so I think the weapon industry will have to be sacrificed and let the imports ensure us the weapons we need. At least for a while!
Also, the government should ensure a food and weapon reserve for hard times of conflict, to cover up the possible lack of goods from the market.

For all these to happen we need intelligence, strength, negotiation abilities, strong heart and cold blood. I consider I can raise up top these expectations. So, come together with me and let’s put these plans into action.

Let the sun rise bright and shiny over South Korea! Vote Clopoyaur!

PS: If you have questions, please leave a comment and I will answer them