My name is Cuc. Ion Cuc

Day 2,502, 09:42 Published in Republic of Moldova Romania by direct x

Brits, like allways you are backstabbers. My name is x. direct x. as a matter of fact, our cuncil decided that you are to be civilized and colonized by us.
Don`t rezist. Rezistance is futile.

We have respect for your ancestors like churchill who give us to the russians.
his move to take greece instead of us brings a big crisis for you after 68 years.

We like Charles also. He is reacently discovering transilvania. He is doing a really good thing here by restoring buildings, boost entrepreneurs for honney and other stuff.
Btw, it`s honey produced by that little things called bees. Not the stuff you eat.

Colonizing uk will be usefull in a "conflict" of our population.

direct x