My Candidacy For President

Day 1,839, 07:54 Published in North Korea Nigeria by Bob Wu

I am running for president, and the vote is in three days. To win, I need the whole resistance behind me to have a chance. Also, campaigning is necessary. Because I wish to be transparent, here is my agenda:
Please note that some of these may not get done.

Since the job market here is terrible, I want import tax cuts so that the economy of eNK does well, and we can bring jobs back home from China. This will increase pay for jobs. I'll try to increase minimum wage, so that the poorest in eNK gets a shot. Also, I'll try to impose a welfare system, from donations, and taxes (similar to the department of health system). However, I would increase Value Added Tax, and maybe income tax. We need the revenue.

Alliances/foreign relations
I will strive for an alliance, maybe with Italy, India, or Brazil (We will see). I want to liberate eNK, and make that public when we do. Also, I want peace with China(when we're free of course).

Personal quality
I cannot be bribed.
I don't cheat.
I listen to people's suggestions.

Personal objectives
Inform North Koreans of the country's situation.
Take suggestions from average North Koreans.

I will try to pick a diverse cabinet, full of many ideas. Contact me if you feel qualified to be in my cabinet, or an advisor of mine.
Vice President: Kim Young, TurtleShroom, Kim Will Sing, zwsugar, bullseye_0178
Minister of Defense: TurtleShroom / Kim Young / ArrowLannce/ Meifawan
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Commander Kim/Paolo Cheng
Department of Health: Kim Young
Governor: Kim Will Sing/ bullseye_0718
Minister of Education: zwsugar/gongpoyi
Economic Minister: Kim Will Sing
Advisor: Kriny/Ling Chang
Advisor:A fairly new player
Advisor: One of the people I run against