My Candidacy for Kongress

Day 913, 18:09 Published in USA USA by Anaros

Well, this will be my third run for Congress. I've won once during the month before last, under the SEES banner. Last time I was running a long odds race against Dennis even before the PTO threat, and we withdrew.

I'm running again now, and this time I'm planning to put extra effort into it, mass mailing and such. However I'll keep my platform brief as when I put it all into a google doc few actually read it and I need to condense anyway.
To start off, here are a few of my qualifications:
-Already been in Congress once
-Fairly active member of my committed when I was elected
-SEC director(partially responsible for setting policy in some economic stuff)
-t'jelle Corp COO which has helped me get a good grasp on economics and the practical aspects of a IRC and forum based strategy game

I'm not going to promise to reform the world, however there are things I'd like to look at within my area of expertise and I intend to work on them.
-Bond distribution, I was responsible for pretty much all of the work this cycle and the policy could be better
-Making sure we have a good record of our laws and help to see that we don't act like the RL US with many of ours unenforced or forgotten

I joined SEES when it was still just the cool kid's thing looking for the ideas, now that that's worked out I'm quite happy. I hope you'll vote SEES, and especially SEES in Indiana.

Note: If you got this message from a pm, make sure to send me one back with vote # on the 25th.