MWC4CP Cabinet

Day 2,175, 19:10 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by mwcerberus

The Hot and Sexy cabinet of one mwcerberus for the month of 5th Nov to 5th Dec
The first guy I put into my cabinet he’s a good lad.
I shall be expecting articles from both of these over the term as well as their usual VCP duties. Zappy will for the start of the term helping with the handover of the MoF. While Wookie will be helping set up my MoHA and both will be moved around over the month helping where is needed.

VCPs of late have been less visible and I’m hoping to change that with these 2 nutters they are literally in charge if I am not around and so the role must be taken very seriously.
Both very very active guys will do an awesome job if you’ve been a commander 2nd in command or a captain over the last 2 months I don’t need to introduce these 2.
So Sammy will be specialising in setting orders while longshotzZ will be specialising in articles both teams can of course dabble in the others work rules are just guidelines after all.
Both will be involved with chatting up diplomats and generally showing them a good time as well as writing articles (hopefully 4 each) and of course reminding me of and sorting out MPP renewals

These 2 are very much rising stars in fact I predict one of these 2 (no idea which one) will be CP next year. I’ll be expecting 4 articles from each of them as well as getting to know foreign diplomats in order that we are better informed of international happenings and better placed to strike with the full force of TWO or thor’s hammer both is good too.
MoFA advisors

These 2 will be our safety nets there’re a lot of countries out there and it can be difficult keeping on top of them all these are the guys we will need to call. A bit like ghostbusters but with words instead of proton packs. I will also be asking for their assistance should there be a shift in global geopolitics i.e. alliances

With emergy stepping down I needed a firm hand on the reins and I think butjam will be that hand (what he’s doing with the other I have no idea). As stated above I will have Zappy helping with the transfer and the dMoFs will be helping out loads too. Most importantly I trust butjam and all jokes aside he is very trustworthy.

Both dMoFs last month and emergy will have whipped them into shape again trustworthy probably the most important quality for anyone in the MoF.
Super Llama

He should be an interesting hire I’ll be expecting at least 4 articles from him more would be awesome though. He should do a great job.

Has done very job recently taking over the MoEnt I want to focus him on serious things though and teach the people how to live. Minimum 4 articles more would be awesome though.

An incredibly hard working 4 some all of whom have worked in the department before the MoH doesn’t usually get the credit it deserves (even I’m doing it putting them last) but they do work hard and that sacrifice should be respected. (They’ll do a great job)

I have a few more ideas for what I’d like to do for my term
-raise more money for the NHS by asking congress to give their 5 gold to the NHS (I will also be giving my 5 CP gold)
-raise the number of eUK players-incredibly difficult to actually achieve can’t promise anything all I can do is say I will try my best.
-get chaz to write articles again I begged the guy to be my guest article writer and he agreed so this means he can write for any ministry he likes with whatever he likes. hopefully this can tempt him if not i have a series of bribes revolving around cheese.

If you’re not in the cabinet and would like to be just start doing the job anyway take the initiative so if you want to be dMoFA do some (more than 1) MoFA style articles then ask me for the position I mean how can I possibly refuse if you’re already doing a good job (and especially if you’re doing a better job than one of the cabinet members)

Tic tac vote that 😁😁
Big mouth shout that Love you long time sub that >>>>>>
MWC4CP comment that again \/\/\/\/