MvG interview with Requiem Domine

Day 1,401, 12:46 Published in Philippines Philippines by Marie von Gablitz

Interview with Requiem Domine

1 - First tell us something about yourself, I know you were citizen of few countries and at sime time you were even Philippines citizen, I would like to know which political duties you have don in those countries and what is you are working on now ?

Goooooooooood morning, guys and gals (ye, I realise it is evening, but I wanted to start it like this :>). I am Iliyan from Bulgaria, everyday normal guy, known at the moment as Requiem Domine, kinda fail name tbh, and I am playing eRepublik for like 20 months, or 630 days 😛. And, oh lol, I'm here to laugh, love, fuck, and drink liquor(I prefer whiskey in fact) and help the damn revolution come quicker.
On topic, yeah, I was citizen of few countries over the eWorld, and there are more to come in fact 😉 Over the months, I have been MoE(Education), vMoFA and twice MoFA, SS of Wikipedia in Bulgaria, Philippines and Belgium. At the moment, I am yankee, and I am working mainly on my avatar in Photoshop, or otherwise said, I dont do anything important atm 😃

2 - According to your political activity so far could you please tell us your opinion whats the difference between European and Asian players, how would you describe them ?

Good question. Well, may be the main difference between Asian and European players (no matter that RL Asians ingame are not many) is the way they are making politic - the European way is loud, throwing shits at each other, dirty tricks and etc, while Asians are calmer, disciplined and more open-minded. There are exclusions of course, but in my opinion, this is the entire vision. Also, out of the Europeans there are a lot of far-rightist/far-leftists, who are giving a lot of fuck about the RL issues, while I have not been aware of such thing among the Asian players (well may be except sansae, who is clear example for racist, no matter how many times he tried to denial it :>)

3 - Since the beginning of erepublik all political, military and economic power was concentrated in Europe, two strongest alliance are based in Europe. Do you think differences and disagreement between European nations affected on Asian continent by implementig that EU custom into Asian society ?

Well, your question implies a good, and tbh, a quiet correctly theory. Yes, I quiet tend to agree with your statement. Mainly due to the fact that a lot of the ingame Asian players are RL Europeans, a lot of RL and ingame Europeans quarrels are being thrown across in eAsia. As an example - when serb and bosniak meets in another eCountry, they always start argueing about RL things. Also, racism is big problem for our community, but as it is deep-seated irl too, we cant do a lot about it.

4 - Before the new resourse allocation ( V1 erep version ) Asian countries were the one with most needed resourses which European countries used unmercifully creating colonies and fortresses in rich Asian regions. With new resourse changes Asia lost the primary resourse purpose but European countries continued aggression against Asian countries, what is the reason for that now, is it just a simply rage or envy Europe is full with or something third ?

Oh, ye, old resources, Lionking and Hellokitty, financial empires in China, good old times. Well, it is not a big surprise that the eEuropean agression occured - as we know, it happened exactly the same thing irl, so may be this is just our, European, temper. Also, well, being greedy for resources and land is a reason too.

5 - Do you think an Asian alliance as SOL was could do more and give more benefits for all countries in Asia creating one healthy society that is economic and political independent from Europe ?

An alliance, no matter which, always could do more(tactic, goals, internally relantionships, etc). As for Sol, it was good idea, but imo a poor realisation. Also, creating and managing alliance with only small nations(since "the big two" of eAsia Indonesia and China doesnt like each other)is not easy work and it requires a lot of time and passion. Oh, and ye, if some union happens in future (I hope it will), it will be quiet interesting to see the progress of it.

6 - At the time you were Belgian MoFA you brought the country closer to ROC , why would one weak, small european country
interfere into something unknown, what are the reasons that made Belgium to took a part in ROC vs PH war ?

Uh, well, it is p simple why I did considered eRoC as good option for an MPP - firstly the Congress, and especially some quiet loud-speaking members of it wanted "Asian MPP". Back then, we already had MPP with Hungary, so we needed a neutral/close to EDEN/Terra country to sign with. Also, the main purpose of signing MPP is ensuring battles for our country through it: mirek12345 asked me for MPP between ePH and eBe, but he couldnt assure me that ePH would have a constant NE (respectively battles) (mainly cuz sansae2 was acting more like a dictator, and his government wasnt well grounded what is happening really), so as I contacted Sadanaga and Bread 100, they made me believe that eRoC will provide eBe daily battles.

7 - What is the main reason you changed so many countries, what is your goal and will you settle down someday ?

No real reason, I am more like acting on the spur of the moment, so I cant point a strong and valid reason. I got over 4 countries up to the moment, God knows how many I will change in future (for sure, I will end my eLife in ePakistan).Well, at last, I will settle down in my eCoffin, lololol :>. Now seriously, yes, may be I will, where and when I dont know.

8 - Your views on surrent Philippines situation and your advice for PH citizens and government ?

My view is quiet washed away, since I have some personal prejudices and preferences(as ex-ePH citizen) on all this, which happened. Anyway, it is obvius that this conflict should end asap. I rarely give advices, but as you ask me so kind to do so, I will do it this time :>
- it is a harsh time for you atm, but stay united. Unity make strength. Continue to defend your pride, and never bow down. "Form Is Temporary, Class Is Permanent" 😉

P.S. I want to greet a few good friends, since this is my first and prolly last interview :> - Empiree, ULTRABOTEV, dllp, sofia_8711, Vihitto, mittekemuis, NLSP, Pieter, Berritas, Sigurd, H kun, TMG KryTpic X(dammit, I should train to write this typo name :>) and ofc, all my enemies and ill-wishers - I havent forgotten you, soon there will be a time for revenge 😉

P.S.2 Oh, ye, I forgot - I may come back in ePH at some moment, so better check the cs applications often :>