Muglack In A Nutshell

Day 895, 14:05 Published in Canada Canada by Muglack

Right out of the gate I want to thank Tyler F. Durden for the opportuinty to serve our eCountry on a much grander scale. If he wins the election for CP tomorrow I'll see my workload go from the occasional move and fight with the CAF Elites to that of a Cabinet Minister. A change in responsibility that I look forward too whole heartedly.

At this point it's probably best to introduce myself to the eWorld at large. I've been playing this game for well over a year (I was born on day 500) and have seen this country at it's highest point and it's lowest. I fought to defend our regions as they fell one by one to the invading hordes, and I fought side by side with my eCanadian brethren as we freed those same regions. I fought along side our Bro's defending Florida, I spilled my own blood in Asturias, and I spilled the blood of a thousand eTurks fighting for Greece. I've seen the world with the CAF and now it's time to do my part to make eCanada the best it can be.

Up until this point I have flown under the radar in the new world. I've kept to myself, worked my job, and did my duty in the CAF and the Elites. I stayed out of politics because to be completely honest they didn't interest me. I was more intrigued with the militaristic side of the game than the political. I didn't even join a political party until TFD approached me to join the Brolliance party. I was hesitant at first not wanting to shift my focus but in the end accepted not because my ideals had changed but because the Brolliance is something that I strongly believe in and want to do everything possible to strengthen it.

5 days after joining a party the Longsword Rebellion happened. My tenure as a non-political was officially over. Not because I picked up my sword and rattled it with my CAF comrades and those that took up arms next to them, but because in my opinion the CAF (which was the only true link I had to the game for the longest time) was under direct attack from within. I was vehemently against the LSR and everything it stood for and took every opportunity to voice that opinion. Something which many of you are probably aware. The LSR however has been dealt with internally and out of respect to the CAF which I hold in the highest regard I won't dwell on it any further suffice to say I'm glad it is passed us and the CAF is moving forward as a cohesive unit once again.

From this point on we will look forward. Hopefully tomorrow the country as a whole realizes what I know to be a fact. That Tyler F. Durden is by far the most capable and competent person to take this country where it needs to be. His platform is concise and well thought out. He's well versed in the political aspects of the game (his congressional record speaks for itself) and is a veteran in Foreign Affairs. Much like TFD my plan for after the election had to completely change once war was declared. Originally my mandate was to work with Coda and the rest of the high command to restructure the CAF so that we had an action plan when V2 was released. This is in all likelihood no longer possible. Fighting the war of today takes precedence over planning for the war of tomorrow. But rest assured that if the people make the right choice in tomorrow's election and I'm given a mandate I'll do everything I can to see us through this war and to make sure we come out of it in the best shape possible as a nation.

Humbly yours,