More Bacon, Less Tofu!

Day 1,694, 13:33 Published in USA USA by DeyoZero
On Bacon Players and Tofu Players

The admins have yet to give us a way to keep Tofu Players from clogging our inboxes with stinky bean curd trolling. I have sent a support ticket requesting a Block feature, and I encourage everyone else to send one as well, to show the admins just how many players consider this feature a priority!

If you'd rather not take the time to compose your own ticket, feel free to steal, alter, or ignore the sample below, taken from an article by the inestimable Animis:

Dear Mods:

I am requesting that Admin add a feature that almost all online games include from the day of release. It is long overdue in eRepublik, as well.

It is time to give the players a 'Block/Ignore (all/non-friends/individual players)' feature to stop people who bully, harass and even stalk them. This is especially important since minors are permitted to play this game.

This is not a difficult feature to implement. One button and a database parallel to a player's "friends" list, combined with a check on any message/comment, would be sufficient to strip griefing players of the power to create a hostile play environment. Aside from saving the company money currently spent on harassment complaints and support tickets, this would also significantly reduce the risk of legal action under new anti-harassment and anti-cyberbullying statutes enacted in several countries over the past year.

It would also likely preserve the company's revenue stream, as the players most likely targeted by harassment and online bullying are also the players who have been engaged for a year or more, and who are most likely to purchase gold and refer friends.

This feature is good common sense, good business sense, and good legal sense. It carries virtually no risk, and would give the admins significant esteem in the eyes of a sadly disillusioned playerbase!

Please consider this request among the many others you may receive on this subject to indicate not that I am disgruntled or dissatisfied, but that I am hopeful that the admins will create a positive and challenging game environment for all players.

Thank you,

Please vote this article if you'd like to see this feature added. If I can scrape the cash together, I'll pay some Poles to get it more visibility!