Monsieur Guillontine for Congress! (September 2012)

Day 1,767, 15:34 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Monsieur Guillontine

Salut madams and monsieurs,

That's right! I am running for Congress this month, and yes, I am ready to give it my all.

Why you should vote for me:

1. I speak French better than French people
2. I give people free baguettes
3. I have character: my name is misspelled

What I will do as an elected Congressman:

1. Legalize marijuana
2. Use federal funds to build French bakeries
3. Make French the official language of Switzerland

On a serious note though, I do strongly feel that I have all the qualities and talents needed to be an excellent Congressman.

I have served as:

- Country President for 3 terms
- Vice President for 4 terms
- Minsiter of Foreign Affairs for 4 terms
- Chairman of Congress for 4 terms
- Congressman for 11 terms
- Party President for 13 terms

I really don't see what more there is to prove about my capabilities. I know that some of you don't care about experience though, so to appeal to you other folks, here's an added bonus. If I receive the most votes out of all the other Congress candidates, I promise all of you that I will do jumping jacks at the top of the Eiffel Tower. So remember my fellow druggy buddies, make the right choice, and VOTE for Monsieur Guillontine!

Let's fight. Fight for peace.

Peace out,
Monsieur Guillontine
President of the Swiss Peace Party