Monopoly Day: 1 Results/ MDP Recent New's

Day 1,209, 19:57 Published in Canada Canada by Venoms III
MDP's eCanada Monopoly Game Day 1
First off, we would like to thank all those generous benefactors who made this Monopoly game possible! To be precise special thanks goes to FRITZHILL, for a straight outrageous donation that will allow us to continue our game into the next month with exciting new opportunities! Secondly, a fellow MDP member and High Roller Alaricus donated a fair share amount to our cause. Many thanks for all those other citizens who participated in buying square’s. I think we could very easily say that eCanada is one of the most generous countries in the eWorld. A not very popular contest totaled in around 2k in funds to put towards the contest. But the real reason your reading this article is to find out what you won so see below!

Below you can find your name, the square you landed on and what you won(Prizes will be given out at the end)

*Rolled a 1 and landed on Canadian Legend #24 RIP BOB PROBERT, Bought By FRITZHILL and have won, 2 Q2 food.
Alaricus, Code-Y, John Zenith, flyboy909

*Rolled a 2 and landed on Treasure Chest, Today’s Treasure Chest was a Q2 Gun.
Mr. Hopwood, Danster, 00AngryMobMan00, Mary Chan

*Rolled a 3 and landed on Termzy Zone, Bought by Termz wining 4 Q2 Food.
TemujinBC, Josh Carter, Duke Leto, Popandlock

*Rolled a 4 and landed on Income Tax, Usually you lose half you’re earning’s but since at the MDP were good sports we will award you with 1 Q2 food.
Guagature, lbnd sorry people…. 

*Rolled a 5 and landed on the eCanada Express, You will receive a PM from me if you haven’t already on the options you have.
jumpy one, ligtreb

*Rolled a 6 and landed on Canadian Legend Ralph Kline, Bought by FRITZHILL. You have won Q2 Gun and 3 Q2 food!
JayPunkston, Matthew Gallaugher, M. Loiselle, FRITZHILL

Those are the results for today; Tuesday will be a whole new day full of new prizes and opportunities.


Saturday was a very bad day for the MDP Council as former eCitizen Poweron destroyed the MDP forums leaving many MDP programs un-able to reach their members. Thankfully the MDP put a team effort in a made a new more secured forum which can be found here> . We ask that all parties reinstate their embassies in our new forums and we encourage ALL members to join the new forums and sign up for Congress, As a official PTO threat is among us it doesn’t hurt to be to prepared.

MDP Council is under the discussion of who is best fit to be Overseer of the MDP this Month (Dictator) as of now the official candidate is said to be Muglack.
Many Thanks,
Venoms III