Mob attacks Presidents Car

Day 1,116, 12:25 Published in USA USA by CrayolaButthole
eAP New York, NY
December 10th, 2010
A day after we reported that the eUS opened a new Prison. We have recieved word that late last night Anit-Frost and Pro CRoy supporters attacked the Vehicle carrying Frost and Pig to a Dinner. Police have been battling the Anti-Revolucion supporters since the Regime took control.
We have several Photos below.

Car attacked by the mob
A Police Spokesman said to reporters, "We know where the supporters are at all times, We have our police guards monitoring them. A spokesman for the Anti-Revolution said. "We will continue attacks and demonstrations until the 2 are outted.

Police battle protesters outside of New York City

A CRoy supporter stands infront of police