March 12, 2011 Worker Updates/Info

Day 1,085, 09:00 Published in USA USA by Alpha Zette

. . The following newsletter/presentation is, primarily, for workers in our companies.
Information for eRUtopia Community Members, only, is at page bottom.
. . . News & Updates March 12, 2011:
Wages are going down. Jobs in a the following companies will be more stable and pay more, but are only available for my best workers who meet the "productivity standard", for that company:
eRU 12...800+
erU 1......700+
erU 8......700+
eRU 3.....600+
eRU 7.....All other "best workers" (no productivity discrimination)

If you want to move, jobs are posted @ $1 under "Specialist". (necessary for quick find and security from other job seekers. Find fast on last page. "Accept"... be raised & donated the difference asap. If no post can be found, there MAY be no opening. Pm to inquire. If you have had past experience with a good record, in one of my companies, I'll make every effort to place you in the best possible position, but will NOT remove an other loyal worker based on productivity alone.
Finally... If you are of low productivity and have trouble keeping other jobs, I can probably help.
On the opposite 'spectrum'... if the eUnited States is in a period where the peg(money market current stable average) is at 0.020g or higher... use of the 50% or 200% booster will result in proper raise, ASAP.
When peg is lower than 0.020g, please do NOT use. The amount in usd raise will not make it profitable for YOU! This may be the only warning you receive about using boosters when the peg is low. To get ahead in eRep, economically, some math is advisable.
{100% booster NEVER recommended /// Minimum company-wide eRU standard wellness is 99+. Lower will result in wage cut. Below 90 subject to firing. New workers may be fired for showing up at low wellnes on their first day, without explanation.}

Part 1: Welcome Message
Part 2: Basic Rules & Policies
Part 3: About Us
Part 4: Misc.

...1 Welcome

(note; some of the following may not yet be up to date)
To those who have not worked here... Welcome! Welcome to the new cit-based work center. To do well, just follow the good example of those here before you. Seniority and loyalty mean the most to us, but I shall carefully watch over you all. As I have pm'd to many of you... I no longer have the assistance of my beloved Emo Nagger. She was called back by RL. Please have patience and bear with me.
Since pay is determined, mostly, by productivity points, wellness helps you as much as it helps the company.

...2 Basic

a) Please try to notify if you are "resigning"(whether or not you intend to return soon).
b) Using a 'bonus button' will, no longer result in automatic raise or donation! I hope to change this once I get the most reliable workers in special companies, earmarked for maximum production, and AFTER the PEG rises higher. Using any bonus, below .020 peg and $30 usd would waste your gold. Do the math. HOWEVER... AT that amount the 50% (.19g) booster usually would be. the choice is yours. (more detailed info follows...)
At the .020 peg, gold cost the worker 50 usd. I pay "times the guru/guru* average wage, over a few days".(average of what it cost me to hire more workers, plus a small allowance for the advantage of managing fewer 'bodies'.
For instance... if my average g/g* produces 400 per day, for $30 average pay with NO boost... and WITH the big booster, produces 1200... I'd pay him $90+. Therefore, you might say he got a $60 'increase'...which paid $50 for booster, +$40... which = $10 gain per day for the worker. Sound ok?
This has been about what big booster pay has been providing workers all over.(based on $3o avg, pay and 0.021 peg.)
But, in fact, at these rates, other things factor in, also.(besides cost of gold which has been fluctuating a lot lately).
( Short version ): I always[b/] use the 50% boost... and I OWN the companies).

. . .Other GENERAL Policies:
Raises are automatic, according to prevailing offers on the job market.
First, our companies offer much more job security than most. In addition to keeping up with offers on the job market, we offer transfers to our other similar companies, during 'sales droughts'. Our best workers always get priority.
Constant placing of job offers, calculating production and other such work, is a drain on our staff. Any way you can help will be appreciated. Currently, various arrangements are made on a personal basis. Since this also takes time, standardized incentive policies, once activated, will be posted here, or on another page linked here.(also, see additional benefits below)
.................. END OF WORKER INFORMATION...............

...3 News

From now on... come here for worker updates. They will no longer be mailed to you and I will no longer be answering citizen mail. I receive far too much to sort through, and may only read the titles... so, if you have some urgent or important message, say so there. If you know where I hang out on irc,,, ok. Otherwise, I suggest joining America's most noble institutions... the eUnited States Calvary. Ask, politely, to be allowed to join the 3rd Regiment... home of your humble servant.
Food prices are expected to keep rising but at a much higher rate. We don't anticipate them to stabilize at any certain price, but to continue rising until our offers serve as temporary "product pegs".
Due to that high price level, we suggest some of you without houses might want to 'reconsider'. Also, a reminder to our "members": LET A manager or assistant mgr. know what products you might anticipate a need for , in the future, or view near the bottom of this page, later, for our member discount list If our product price predictions continue to be fulfilled, the best way to 'survive' may be with a house.
Yes... Hospitals continue to be far too rare AND weak to be of much use... but here is "hope", around the corner... for our "members". By pm arrangement, "special" food discounts are now in affect. Purchase limits will be set according to eRU Credit Union, NON-monetary credits.

A Bulletin Board/Update Center for eRU COMMUNITY MEMBERS.
It will be updated, as needed.

Now accepting applications for job of assistant to general mgr. The position has been vacated. I will post, later(here) if our new Assistant Manager requests help. Apply first, here, in the comments section!
General knowledge about eRep, interest in economics, and a desire to DOMINATE the game, are, as always, important! Serious players only, please. Use of irc required. Starting pay, above "worker pay", is negotiable. PM this org.

Section for less experienced citizens:


...4) About Our Employees AND Workers...

Management often takes the position that "I ran this business, ok, long before this crew was here... and can SURE do it again, if I need to."
There's much truth in those 'elitist' positions. The three of us DID run the thing ok, before...even made a few golds along the way. "Loyal" workers are NOT indispensable to a business. They, merely, "enhance" our production, image and "sense of self-worth". So WHY would a capable self-made owner "submit" to the idea that any human element beyond his full control, which individual self-interest may, in-fact, adversely affect the effectiveness of our policies, innovations and long term strategy, could possibly be to his advantage?
It's simple...probably too simple. Our attitude is based on intangibles that can not be quantitatively defined OR controlled. That's right. Workers here, are FREE! Completely free in every sense of the word.

Most only hired on, initially for the slight wage advantage. It [l]was[/i] slight. We placed the offers we did, to enable productivity, but have always valued other qualities, as well. [Today... many workers from the past, continue to return even when our offers are lower, becase they know we'll raise asap to the best around. How much time does it take a manager to "watch over" as many workers as we sometimes employ? Even with two regular managers this job is NOT easy. Managers, here, work our employees. We want this project to, not only, survive..but to grow. THAT is why "ok" isn't good enough. Higher standards ARE applied and required. Examples of these "basic standards" are listed further down.

Many may imagine that the cit(s) behind these companies might just be noob(s), or "pretend businessmen" who got their parents to let them use the VISA or PayPal.
When I joined eRep, over 1 1/2 years ago, it was still in BETA. When I first looked around, I saw very simple modules with very simple "interaction" with the player community. The details have changed several times. Numbers and formulas were 'adjusted', and all of us forced to adjust with those.

Back then, after "sizing up the situation", I decided that since I knew no one in the game, I'd probably better find some little "specialty" of my own, that didn't depend heavily on 'cooperation' with others. Almost immediately, it was clear that politics were out of the question. Company operation seemed a little too "unpredictable" and complicated to get into that soon. I read up on the war mods and found them fairly interesting, but it was somewhat apparent that the older players already had a big advantage.
And, then... there was the money market.

Before I even joined the game, I needed to get some kind of "handle" on the "FREE" declarative, in the game

Back then, after "sizing up the situation", I decided that since I knew no one in the game, I'd probably better find some little "specialty" of my own, that didn't depend heavily on 'cooperation' with others. Almost immediately, it was clear that politics were out of the question. Company operation seemed a little too "unpredictable" and complicated to get into that soon. I read up on the war mods and found them fairly interesting, but it was somewhat apparent that the older players already had a big advantage.
And, then... there was the money market.

Before I even joined the game, I needed to get some kind of "handle" on the "FREE" declarative, in the game's name. Since nothing is really "free", I had to be sure the "catch" was worth it. I'd have been a lot more comfortable if I'd seen at least an ad or two. NONE. nada.
I learned about the game from Wikipedia. Apparently, the founders had been at it for quite a while, working long and hard, but were just then, beginning to realize a profit. That article also told of the 'virtual property' 'gold' standard..and the owners commitment to keeping the game "commercial free".

Finally got it through my head that the thing must be(somehow) 'addictive', so I needed to determine if the game was, in fact, even "winnable".

Like(apparently) so many others, I saw a tiny bit of "light at the end of the tunnel". Being extremely competitive, I couldn't resist the challenge. I was either "hooked" or doomed to some admission of fail.

To make a VERY long and complex story short and simple...I gradually learned about the roles the money market plays. It's ALL I did for the first few months, except for some "Q1 business burns".

Anyway...after over a year in business, I finally learned how to make gold IN the game. Yes, it IS possible. NO...there IS no "simple magic formula" I can impart to you. The ability to run a profitable business in this game 'mirrors' RL...just like so many other areas of play.

Fortunately, I found a fellow player who has changed my eRep life(even my on line experience). I joined forces with him and his partner. From then on, the three of us have shared almost everything... according to our individual contributions. Such cooperation sounds like a Utopian dream but our friend, Carl... made it WORK!
Today, we're doing pretty well. Carl(aka "Carlos") provides us with incredible "formulas for success" in every area of the game. Under his leadership, each of us is able to pursue his own dream... backed up by our "parent organization"(H.A.H.A.), in many ways.
The "eRUtopia Community" concept was first suggested by myself, but would have failed long ago without our leader.
Today, we still count on the H.A.H.A. for advice and some funding. Our need for the funding appears to be diminishing, but I'm sure we'll ALWAYS be grateful for our leader's continued guidance.

...5) Misc.

If possible, pm each of our managers with name in orgs only. Al Z. is kind of our 'default' manager and will open most unspecified mail. (PLEASE send non-company related mail to Carl and myself, directly)
Additional policy is given below.
Thank You!

Al Z., GM eRU Companies/market related matters.
Frank N., Director eRUTOPIA COMMUNITY, Interim Deputy for Volunteer Applications, HAMA Global Charities Fund.

Thank you for working at ERU Companies! When you do GOOD, HERE.... you are contributing to the work of a serious eHumanitarian effort.

___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

This is the HOME of the eRU Community. What you see, on this page, is a part of the 'framework' of a company-based, 'profit generator'...companies that provide or have provided cash flow to buy and operate additional, more 'relevant' or profitable 'investments'. They contribute with both products and gold. Products, necessary for the specific needs of our members...and gold to ENABLE them with financing needed to advance a better way of eLIFE. Herein, lies a 'PROOF'...some (easily viewed) eREALITY in our growing, ehuman based, New World...a "global social structure"...promoting all that is good and 'right' about "individual self-advancement"...while remaining appreciative of the great social institutions handed down to us by our ancestors...the great 'BETAS'!




With the already exorbitant price of foods going ever higher this may be a good time to consider buying a house.
From brand new Q5's to 'previously owned' Q1's, Al's Discount used housing may have a house for YOU! Visit the Al's Discount Trading Post...operated for the benefit for MEMBER'S ONLY. NO others may buy, sell or trade here. CLOSED/Out of Stock! (until further notice)
