Lovefest Continued: For Michael Hook

Day 902, 19:42 Published in Ireland Ireland by Edana Savage

I decided to ride this love train a bit more. I'm feeling all warm and fuzzy right now. It could be because I'm on some serious pain medication, however. lol Ah well, we will go with it. I'm sure this is much more preferrable to how prickly I can get. I can't help it. I like to fight, argue, and raz like most people. Just not today.

Today, I am paying tribute to Michael Hook. Why? Seemed like the thing to do.

I came across Michael when he was a wee little noob. I knew he was special because he was so enthusiastic about everything when he came on the scene. He asked lots of intelligent questions and soaked everything up like a sponge.

His writing was what really tuned me into how exceptional he was. He started writing about the different alliances out there when Ireland was still deciding if we wanted to remain neutral or not. His thoroughness and attention to detail were remarkable for one so young in RL. Reminds me of myself at that age. 🙂

He's been a minister, a Congressman, a journalist, a business owner, and I think one day he has the chops to be President. And he is entirely too modest. (You know you are, Mike).

His work ethic is exceptional and his integrity is too. I am proud to call him friend and if you have the opportunity to make his acquaintance than you know I speak the truth.

So here's to you, Mike! I'm lifting a pint to you, my friend.


