Looking for a good inflation value?

Day 2,733, 04:48 Published in USA USA by ComputerSpeaker

I was thinking gold could work almost by itself, but then again some people only buy food and weps and so gold would not be a good indicator.

wage by itself might be a good indicator, because as prices rise wages would rise. but then again wages lag behind goods prices.

I could just sum together gold, wep and food. and use that number. but if weps go up 1 % it would make no difference because gold fluctuates very quickly 🙁

so a weighted average of prices. using q6 food (because i produce it) q7 weps(because everyone uses q7 weps regularly) and gold.

now the weights,

q6 food, weight 900
q7 wep weight 50
gold weight 0

so today, gold price 290.998, q7 wep price 6.41, q6 food price 0.32

290.998+6.41*50+.32*900= 899.498 usd

we will have to see the value in a week to see the change but a sample of the food prices and wep prices and gold prices this seems the most reasonable.

I left out houses because everyone should own a q1 house. the demand cannot change for a q1 house, and the supply will not change once the price gets to break even.