let's talk about BH theft

Day 3,073, 15:38 Published in Ireland Mexico by Chalco Hills

I'm tired of people complaining about their BH almost every time I try to fight in any battle. There is always someone who thinks you are robbing them.
If one side is ahead a little bit in the overall campaign score, they think it is "lost", so no one should try to outscore them.
If one side is ahead significantly in the round, they think it is lost (even though, in truth, a round is never really lost until it is over) so no one should try to outscore them.
For some people, by their definition, the first person to score any damage in any round is entitled to the BH gold for that round ... at least if that person was them.

Here is my definition of real BH stealing ... and it happens to me all the time:
1) The leader has significant damage already (in D3 around these days, say 10-12 million at least).
That side is already winning the round
OR that side is losing badly and the "thief" comes in without nearly enough damage to change the outcome
AND the round is mostly over ... say past the 1:10-1:15 mark or so if it's completely one-sided (would end at 1:30)
AND the thief does only just enough damage to slide into first place. (If I'm offline when it happens they often do one hit extra damage.)
AND there was no CO on our side that you were earning.

I don't think I've ever once complained about a BH thief, even when they were obviously thieving, but I promise you
- I'm never going to complain if you pass me and I had weak damage in the first place.
- I'm never going to complain if you turned the bar past 50% ... even if we are losing the campaign.
- I'm never going to complain if you double my damage.

But I'm not nearly the BH hound that many people are. Personally I'm more likely to chase CO cash (harder to find than it was once) if I'm being a merc, just to avoid the BH drama if nothing else. So, I'd love to see a discussion by some of the BH hunters on trying to agree about solid conditions to define when someone is or is not "stealing" a BH. Please give your views below. "Whenever I say it is" isn't really a legit answer in my opinion, but I think that's pretty much the case for many.

I want to see a serious effort at a definition - because I do want to respect other players (even though BH hunting tends to annoy me and I hate that game mechanic in general, see: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-i-hate-battle-hero-rewards--2564176/1/20 ) but I often think the complaining is without real good reason. If the vast majority of the player community can agree on solid conditions, I would try to abide by them.
I also think I'm going to start sending a link to this article whenever someone complains to me, so maybe the comments will mostly be filled by people hating on me.