Lazy Economics. # 3 (Old Archive)

Day 2,199, 16:39 Published in USA Poland by amoungthefree

Getting away from more current issues here is an economics 101 lesson for the lazy.

First off a checklist for all of you.

A:Are you lazy?
B: Do you have any money or gold just sitting around?
C: Are you into blindly drilling for money in a slightly more ineffective yet easier way?

If 2/3 of these are correct then welcome to the journey to becoming a capitalist.

Lesson # 1 for the lazy capitalist today is -

Invest money ONLY into raw materials.

This includes both raw weapons and food materials. However it is recommended to invest more heavily into food than weapons as the demand for it is always higher than weapon materials ensuring no matter how low the market price is you can always at least make the sale.

Bonus Lesson: This is recommended for the lazy capitalist especially.
NEVER invest in any factory company for processing goods. These take a ever so slightly more complicated supply and employee process. Also when producing raw materials go for the 3000 local currency cider farm that makes sure you do not have to manage workers while pumping out more materials than the grain farm.

Everyone needs food! Why not make a little money from such a stable market?