Koolaide is Bad for you, But its okay Im a Erep Addict

Day 2,282, 04:40 Published in USA Republic of China (Taiwan) by Trickstir

So, I been gone a while on a magical journey. I learned a lot about life in general over the last few months. Most of it good some a little rough. Then I joined up with a group of people to learn about some things that everyone should know. I will teach you these things should you decide to read future articles, don't worry there will be no magical koolaide ride at the end of the Lessons. Instead we will all come back to erepulik and be the best eCitizens we can be.

I would like to thank the Fed for inviting me back into the fold, as well as, EZC for allowing me to return.

Lets remember.... to remain PROUD and HORNY, o7

For more information:

I am at #fedpartychat for IRC, or http://fedparty.forumotion.com. The Proudest and Horniest places on the internet. Fear the Beard keeping it Proud and Horny as long as my Alzheimer's will allow me to remember.