Kako se moje sunce poigralo samnom ! The game of me and my sunshine !

Day 2,330, 06:42 Published in Serbia Serbia by CHRISTIANE.F
Cele te noći kiša je već očekivano padala bez prestanka. Znala sam to, priroda je uvek svima prijatelj, ako treba pustiće i koju suzu za sve nas tužne.

A jutrom će osvanuti sunce ... poigrati se našim očima . Pitaće * Hajde sada pogledajte svuda oko vas ! ? * I zaista sve je sijalo predivnim sjajem.

A ja sam i dalje pokušavala da glumim ... tugu da i nisam odustajala. Želela sam samo svoj glupi mrak oko sebe.

Međutim ni sama ne znam kako nešto u meni se prelomilo. Podigla sam glavu i pogledala onako prvo nesigurno gore. I tada sam shvatila da je isto kao što mi je kiša te noći pomogla da sakrijem suze, sada je tu sunčev zrak da mi ponovo vrati osmeh na lice. Shvatila sam da je tu za mene i zbog toga želim taj jedan predivan sunčev zrak da podelim sa vama prijateljima, jer kao i sunce vi ste uvek tu.

The whole night and the rain was already falling as expected all the time. I knew it, nature is always the friend, if needed, and they'll let a few tears for all of us sad.

A morning going to break the sun ... play with our eyes. You will be asked * Now let look all around you! ? * And indeed all was shining beautiful glow.

And I'm still trying to act ... sad that I did not give up. I just wanted your stupid darkness around me.

But I do not even know how something in me snapped. I raised my head and looked at first insecure as above. And then I realized that just as I was raining that night helped to hide the tears, now is the sunbeam that we once again bring the smile back on your face. I realized it was there for me and therefore I want that one beautiful sunbeam to share with you friends, because like sun you are always there.

some nice music
