Jan 2010 - Aus DoD Leadership

Day 778, 23:27 Published in Australia Australia by Australian Defence Department
January 2010 - Australian Department of Defence Update!

With new administrations come new leadership! Here is the next team of military leaders who will lead you to victory and glory for Australia!

Australian Department of Defence
CINC: Cerb
dCINC: Calbe
Master-at-Arms: Tecchi

Marshal: sir_c0nstant
Deputy: Mack Craft

Marshal: binda33
Deputy: Dean Kong

Marshal: Schoft
Deputy: Etheodoria Vulpine

"I don't recognize the first 3 positions. What happened to MoD and AMM?" See below for an explanation, copied from Prime Minister Cottus Arci's paper!

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New Command Structure
Since the running of the companies is already taken care of, our Commanders are freed up to focus on two things; Military Tactics & Weapons Distribution.

The CINC is the highest held position in the military, and effectively replaces the Minister of Defence. The CINC is responsible for determining our participation in foreign wars, which will involve presenting to the Prime Minister & Senate what battle scenarios we should support, and how much we support. For example, if we were to join EDEN, how much we support in terms of what EDEN is attacking/defending (in terms of if it's a conquest, or liberation of a native EDEN land.

The CINC will give the go orders on active battles on a daily basis, consulting with either EDEN (if applicable), our current Allies (those we hold MPPs with) or Sol. This will be in the form of an article on eRepublik, giving clear instructions on where each unit shall fight.

Unit Commanders
There will be a Commander/Deputy Commander of each of our three military units;

These Commanders/Deputy Commanders follow the orders given by the CINC and distribute weapons accordingly, in a two-phase process.

1. A standard, small amount of weapons distribution to all active soldiers with Dropbears & ACUK.
2. Hold an IRC meet for coordinated strikes, and attending soldiers will receive additional weapons.

eAustralian Military will now feature a legal representative, acting as a conduit between soldiers & commanders. Post-battle, the Master-At-Arms will be responsible for looking through battle stats (using Neat Battle Stats to ensure weapons distributed were used in the intended battles (especially for those that did not attend the battle's IRC meet). They will determine who is inactive and in this case, the soldier will not recieve further weapons until they contact the Master-At-Arms, who takes into account the soldiers activity history and makes a call as whether or not the soldier is fit (ie active/committed enough) to continue in the armed forces.

On the flip side, the Master-at-Arms acts a buffer for all soldiers who can field any concerns against other soldiers or their commanding officers (ie not getting PMs).

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New Criteria for our armed forces

Rank: Field Marshal
Strength: 12+
Role: Mobilized Tank Unit, affiliated with Eden Military Core (EMC) if we do join EDEN.

Rank: Colonel
Strength: 9+
Role: Mobilized Light Tank Unit

Rank: Sergeant
Strength: 4+
Role: Training/Reserve Infantry Unit

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Thanks to all of the men and women of our armed forces, and to every Australian citizen fighting for our country and our allies!

Australian Department of Defence