J Grey for the Congress

Day 1,524, 09:44 Published in Philippines Bulgaria by J Grey

Hi friends!

I decided to run for the Congress in Palawan region and with this article I will try to convince you why am I the right candidate.


First, my party is the United Democratic Movement. My strong belief is that eRepublic is more a team game than an individual effort – that is why the party should be something very important. I’ve always supported the principles of democracy in the game, so UDM is the logical place for me. I used to be a member of democratic party in my previous country, even several times a party president so I firmly believe in the ideas of democratic parties and I think that generally they are quite positive movement in the e-life.
The other nice thing is that the members of the United Democtaric Movement are very serious players and really nice guys. It is always a pleasure to play along with people like Requiem Domine, M’anvidas, Marie von Gablitz, Mr aNiallator and many others..


To become a Congressman is not a goal – it is just a tool that can help you to turn your ideas of country development into a reality. In that connection I have plenty of ideas that can be quite beneficial for ePhilippines society.

- Economy
The key factor of every strong country is the strong economy. My proposal in that area is for a tax reform. A fast glimpse at the current rate of taxes will show you that ePhilippines is a very liberal country towards all the imports. My idea is to restrict that import so that we can give some advantage to the local producers.
The only goods with low import taxes should be the weapons, as there are not so many local companies for high quality weapons. It should be below the current 10 % - somewhere between 2 and 5. All the other products – food and raw materials should be at a level of at least 35% (it could be even more). The barriers for production are not so high and it is possible our whole demand to be done by local producers.
The only idea of my proposal is to protect somehow our producers because if we have rich citizens, they will spend more money and the economy as a whole will be much stronger and we gain much more money through VAT.
Of course the taxes can be re-adjusted if needed. Per example if we see shortage of some product on the market or some speculation going on we will correct the rates with no delay.

- Foreign relations
As we are not alone in the e-world the foreign situation influence ePhilippines quite a lot. My opinion is that we have to continue being a neutral country and looking for opportunities.
I appreciate more MPPs that will grant us constant battles. There were some periods during this month when there were no active battles visible from ePhilippines which should not happen again.
It will be also nice to have some agreement with a neighbor country for training wars or exchanging regions which could give us a new resource or a chance to our people of gaining Resistance hero medal.

- Army
If our economy is strong enough, then we have to subsidize the army with some free food or weapons. That will keep our army organized and our soldiers will gain levels faster.

- New citizens
I think that every new applicant have to be investigated well before the approval. Something that I do not like here is that I see some articles on mother languages of some citizens. I think that here if you write on language different than Philipino or English it is a disrespect and maybe some PTO threat.

These are some of the ideas that will drive my work in the congress.

Experience and activity

I have several mandates as a Congressman so I am quite experienced and I think I can defend the rights of the citizens and the interests of the country pretty well.
I will be active – every citizen will have the right to contact me directly and to give me some advise or proposal that I will raise in the Congress after that – of course if it is in line with my ideas and the philosophy of my party.

In conclusion I would like to say that I am serious and sincere player and if you choose me, your vote will be not in vain.

So, see you in Palawan!

J Grey