Inwegen for Wyoming Congressman

Day 370, 12:30 Published in USA USA by Inwegen


My name is Inwegen and I am running to represent Wyoming in the US Congress. Although I am a fresh face around eRepublik, I am the right person to represent you. As a member of USWP, I firmly believe that the more citizens that get involved, the better our system will become.

The best way to help our faltering economic and political structures is to help you, the citizens, get more involved with this fast paced, changing economic and political system of eRep. To do this we need a bigger government so that you, the citizens, have a larger voice and greater ability to influence what policies are put forth.

We must also increase taxes to boost the national government. I know this puts a greater financial burden on you, the individual, but if the national government has more money, there will be a trickle down effect of benefits that will help you more in the long run than your own personal financial robustness.

Most importantly, you, the citizens, are a primary focus of my campaign. You the present and the future of our nation. I will do my best to make sure your views are heard in congress and I will do my best to give you reports on the happenings in congress. Keep me informed on your issues and I will make sure to keep you informed of issues important to you. The citizens are the foundation of any nation and without a strong, informed, responsive foundation we will all crumble.

Thank you for your vote and I look forward to representing you on behalf of Wyoming!
