Interviuri de Colectie[oboj] {RO:EN}

Day 1,625, 12:53 Published in Romania Romania by TheYakuzini
Bine v-am regasit dragi cititori.Protagonistul acestui interviu este oboj,un jucator respectat care ne va vorbi in mare parte despre trairile lui in eRepublik.Nu vreau sa dezvalui mai multe lucruri,va las sa citit interviul si daca vreti sa dati shout pentru a vedea mai multa lume acest interviu,as fi incantat!

-Buna oboj,imi poti acorda un interviu?
-Pai sa incepem.In regula?
Sa incepem
-Spune-mi cateva lucruri despre omul din spatele contului oboj
Male, Caucasian... un biet roman mutat cu traiul in Elvetia,activez in domeniul IT si cand sunt in business trips si nu am ce face mai stau pe net,nimic deosebit,am 42 de ani
-Cum ai intrat in eRepublik?De unde ai auzit de acest joc?
Era weekend, intr-un hotel citeam niste comentarii la careva ziar online si am vazut link spre joc,asa si am intrat
-Joci de 3 ani(pe 8 mai faci mai exact),cum vezi jocul dupa atat timp petrecut in el?
Din pacate degradeaza,nu a ramas nimic nedevalorizat,ccy, streangth, rank,strategia a fost ucisa din pacate,nu mai sunt planuri si secrete si jucatorii devin mai 'tineri',am impresia ca raman doar copii de 12-14 ani
-Investesti bani in cont?
Acum nu
-Poti comenta decizia Presedintelui Maniu de a pune NE pe Bulgaria si actuala strategie a eRomaniei?
Nu-mi prea place sa comentez deciziile altora, dar cred ca in cazul dat a fost o incercare gresita atacand bulgaria nu atingeam scopul propus si cream probleme dintre EDEN si TERRA
-Imi poti spune cea mai intensa lupta traita de tine?
Hmm... a fost una,in NGP,tremurau mainile dupa ea,desi sunt calm dupa natura,desi mai tarziu am aflat ca restul foloseau script-uri iar eu rupeam mouse-ul,partea buna e ca daca foloseam scriptul nu traiam emotiile comparabile cu cele de la mouse
-Care este cea mai frumoasa amintire dar si cea mai urata din eRepublik?
Cea mai frumoasa e legata de perioada cand majoritatea tancurilor romane faceau tanking in aceleasi runde, un fel de dans al zeilor,partea urata a fost tot intr-o lupta din NGP cand mi-am rugat baiatul sa ma inlocuiasca . mi-a fost blocat butonul 'fight'. Puteam lupta oriunde numai nu in lupta aia. Dupa episodul ala vroiam sa ma las de joc.Daca era buton 'delete your account' atunci nu mai eram pe aici
-Ai niste sfaturi pentru jucatorii mai mici si nu numai?
Cat mai mult comunicare , sa intre in UM, sa urmeze ordinele si daca cumpara gold sa o faca doar la promotii.Daca pot sa iasa si la bere
-Niste ganduri pentru cititorii acestui ziar?
v+s si un shout.Si de ce nu sa scrie si ei cate un articol
-Multumesc pentru timpul acordat oboj.
Tie iti multumesc
-Sa ne auzim cu bine!

Great to see you again dear readers.Protagonist of this interview is oboj,a good player which tolk us about his feelings in eRepublik.I don't want to reveal more things,I let you to read interview and if you want to give shout for see more people this interview,I will be delighted.

-Hello oboj,you can give me an interview?
-Let's start.It's all right?
-Let's start
-Tell me something about the men behind oboj account
-Male,Caucasian...a poor romanian moved in Switzerland,i'm in IT domain and when i'm in business trips and when i don't have occupation I walk on internet,nothing special,i'm 42
-How did you join eRepublik?From where you heard about this game?
-That was week-end,in a hotel I read some commentaries at a online newspaper and i saw a link to game and I join
You are playing for 3 years(8 may eRepublik birthday),how do you see the game after that time?
Unfortunately, it's degrading, there's nothing left undepreciated, currency, strength, rank, strategy has been also killed unfortunately, there are no plans and secrets anymore and the players become younger and youger, I feel the ones that stick around are 12-14 year old children
-You invest money in account?
-At the moment,no
-Can you comment the decizion of President Maniu to put Bulgaria as NE and the situation of Romania at this moment?
-I don't like to comment decizion of other peoples,but i think in this case it was a wrong thing to attack Blgaria,we don't achieve the objective and make problems in EDEN and TERRA
-Can you tell the best battle if you ever fight?
-Hmmm...that was,in NGP,my hands were trembling after it, although I'm calm by nature. however i found out afterwards that everyone used scripts and I wass destroying my mouse. the good thing is that if I had used any fighting script I wouldn't have lived sensations comparable to the ones given by the mouse
-Which is the beautiful memorie,but the ugly from eRepublik?
-The beuatiful it's about the period when romanian tanks make tanking in same round,a ,,gods dance'', the worst was in a fight in NGP when i ask my boy to fight in my place,the ,,fight'' button was blocked.I could have fought anywhere else, except to that battle.After that episode i want to exit the game.If was the ,,delete your accoun'' button,I wans't here at this moment.
-You have some tips for small players and for everybody?
-More comunication,enter in a UM,to follow the orders and if they buy gold,to buy at promotions.If they can,to go at a beer
-Some ideas for readers of this newspaper?
-v+s& shout.And to write articles
-Thank you for this time oboj
-I thank you
-To hear just good