Interview with VP Candidate (Ligtreb)

Day 777, 00:31 Published in USA USA by Rainbow Slash

Devon: alright Ligtreb, first question, if you do win, what changes do you think you and Woxan will bring to the eUS?

Ligtreb: Woxan and I will work to boost our communication and focus more publicly on domestic policy and trying to educate and inform our citizens.

Devon: second question, do you think that Jewitt/PiginZen are doing a good job in the current administration? and how do you think they will be remembered if you and Woxan win?

Ligtreb: Jewitt/PigInZen are doing the best job they can and have done some good things during their term. However, improvements can be made and I wouldn't have agreed to be Woxan's Vice President if I didn't believe in him.

How will they remembere😛 They will be remembered for helping get us more regions in Asia and calling Heilongjiang a block -- both good and bad things.

Devon: Do you believe that Jewitt's critics are being too harsh?

Ligtreb: Yes and no -- he deserves some criticism (especially for the blocking comment) but it's not all entirely his fault. Presidents as a whole get too much credit for good things and too much blame for bad things.

Devon: How difficult do you think taking heilongjiang will be?

Ligtreb: Extremely difficult -- Hungary will go all-out to protect it and now owns two of the territories that border Heilongjiang (with Russia owning the other).

Devon: final question, if you were in charge of the first battle of heilongjiang what would you have done differently?

Ligtreb: Not called it a block afterwards and done my best to make sure Inner Mongolia was handled better. Many citizens spent tons of gold on Heilongjiang, how do you think they feel that it was only a blocking battle? I know the attack helped Romania, but you don't spend that much on a block (and have your citizens spend so much).