Initial Public Offering

Day 880, 14:40 Published in USA USA by Patch and Company

The goal of this newspaper is to inform shareholders and potential shareholders of the workings of Patch and Company (PAC). So subscribe for weekly updates on your investment.

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The ERX:
The new ERX stock exchange has reached the point where it is no longer "new" and is now quite stable. Prior to the ERX organizations had two ways to raise capital, buy it with real money or take a loan from a bank.
Lack of Credit ratings make taking out a loan very expensive because the bank giving the loans would have to raise interest rates for everyone because they had only a slim idea of how likely someone was to pay the loan back. This made capital very expensive. Now I am not saying all organizations on ERX are going to be reliable and hold to their shareholders goals of making money so it is my job here to explain why my organization will not shut down and take your money.

My history:
My erepublik life started around day 680. Since then I have missed just one day of work and have accumulated wealth by earning medals, working, inviting friends as well as running companies.

My management history:
I keep very close track of profitable businesses and attempt to keep myself liquid and informed enough to take advantage of changes in the game so I can profit. In RL I have a Masters degree in management.

Companies I have owned include:

1. Q1 weapons -> Q2 weapons (i sold this when the eUS took over Karnataka and weapon profitability diminished)
2. Q1 housing->Q3 housing -> Q4 housing (long running company with very good employees)
3. Q1 gift company


Currently my assets include:
Companies - 190g
Raw, Stock - 22g
Gold -50g
Shares in ERX - 105g

Total 367g

Business Plan:
With the raised capital I will buy a Q5 food company before upgrading my housing company to Q5. The daily profit of my Q4 housing company is 3.5g now and with the Q5 food company I will earn almost 10g/day. My shares in the ERX are in companies that I have researched and pay dividends so I do not have any money sitting around not earning interest.

Dividend plan:
Dividends will be distributed twice each week on random days and will be 50% of my profits. This should be .004-.007 per share each week.

Earnings Report:
I will list weekly earnings reports in this newspaper. Potential Investors should subscribe to get the most up to date information on their investments.

Update1: 273 out of the 1200 shares from the IPO have been sold already