i tried to help! but very few are backng me :( so i am done

Day 2,141, 03:28 Published in USA USA by ComputerSpeaker

i paied all 9 people 1250 to start a rw in washington! washington is connected to our capital in alaska. washington also has cattle which we have none of.

so it will give us a 20% increase in production for food.

i also put out almost 30000 for combat orders, well maybe only 24000 for washington war. the combat orders i set can be viewed at RTBpublik.jkeller4000.com

but are we winning? no! has anyone besides me decided cattle would be good? no, has anyone given me money to cover my costs, well alright one person, swift, and that a was large gift of 700.

so i am done, i am going to let the government decide what battls make te least sense to fight and let the government fund those battles and then anyone who complains eusa has not terriroties nor bonuses, i will tell them i tried, and they choose not to!