I'm back!

Day 1,737, 21:29 Published in United Kingdom Canada by ADS94

Not really. This isn't some ghost, or somehow someone rising from the dead.

Not many people will remember, or even know this account, I am sure.

In fact, I am positive.

Anyway. I'm the brother of the guy who owned this account in the first place. He stole my normal username anyway. But this account is up and running. I'm confident few will comment or like but eh.

Eventually if the Government decides to grant me citizenship I'll be active in politics and the whatnot. Maybe. I have a college class to teach and another game to run. This is just to pass the time in the classroom when I am bored.

Also, many of you will be stumped. This being in the UK Press and all. It was mostly for the people in Australia who are subscribed to this newspaper. So ignore it if you did not sub to this newspaper.

Dr. Arzamastsev