I did a thing...

Day 4,166, 19:55 Published in Ireland Canada by Thomas Arashikage

So just the other day Clopoyaur had his 7 year anniversary stream. During his stream he had a 5 million cc pyramid. You can imagine the excitement that surrounded such an occasion.

During this occasion a certain someone Highfather decided to take the money and run and not allow the pyramid to reach the 5 million mark. Now this article may sound a bit hypocritical because I did the very same thing today by taking a mere 12500 cc. That was only because the pyramid was so small and I'd only ever won once before.

This is his "peace" offering I suppose.

That said, as you can see below I got my own retribution (Thank you Plato for the Stingers!) for all of us who lost out on the 5 million cc pyramid. Yes, it continued, but it was unceremoniously interrupted. Enjoy!