I'll respond now

Day 1,022, 11:18 Published in USA USA by George Armstrong Custer

Dateline: Tuesday September 7 (Day 1022)
Location: Redstone Arsenal, Madison County, Alabama
Reporter: George Armstrong "Old Man" Custer

Michael Porter has posted a couple articles and a Forum thread, announcing his intention to run against me in the next Congressional elections.
I ask that you read these pieces first (Ctrl+Click for a new Tab) and then come back to this article if you wish to leave a Comment.
Help Me Retire An Old Man
Vote Krems POTUS/Congressional Campaign Announcement
Topic: Who Would Vote For Me To Kick GA Custer Out Of Congress?

I won't be responding to the articles or Forum thread beyond what I have already done, nor will I engage in a circus atmosphere shitfest in the Comments to this article.

The main content of this article is my response to the Forum thread and is my final word on it.

I'll respond now.

Henry Arundel:
I support this endeavour. However, as I said on your article, Custer will probably run from you. If he's up against someone who has support, and who he can't claim is a spy (like he did with GLaDOS), he get's scared, and runs to another state.
So, be prepared to move, and have your PP approve you at the last minute, is what I'm saying.

Shifting states is common, even SEES candidates do it last minute.. happens all the time.

Alexander Hamilton:
Feds are better at elections :3
SEES are better at pissing off Custard
I'll run under whoever. I just want to politically kill George Armstrong Custer.
so this is a personal vendetta thing for pissed-off Porter, or he's caught up in Party enthusiasm stirred up by the Custer vs SEES circus.
Emerick/gagah sees it as an opportunity to further that public spectacle.
Hamilton at least is talking political strategy.

Leroy Combs:
I would be happy to run against him.
Frankly, I'm surprised.. I had no idea you were in with these people.

Nicholas Ryan:
We should not tolerate lousy congressmen who rile up their cronies for their votes, because we're supposed to be bad people for seeking to prevent it.
Kell Draygo:
This should be on the Party President who allows someone shitty to run for Congress. Don't damage ATO efforts when it should be the PP's responsibility. If the PP allows someone shitty to run, then the PP is shitty and he should be removed. That should be the focus, Party Presidents need to stop getting free passes.
I don't have cronies to rile up, Ryan.. get a grip, eh.
Kell, I was run by the USWP twice by Jude, and y'all can vilify him and discount that if you like-- not like anyone else with no political experience ever gets run for Congress based on a game friendship.. I still had to win on my own, there were no USWP mobile voters for me.. my third USWP run was under Fionia, and if she thinks I either can't hold my own or am an embarrassment to the Party she'll not run me... obviously my performance the first two terms was good enough for her to gamble on me, and I pulled off my own win again without USWP resources. There has been no "free pass" with me.

Pauly Walnutz:
Custer is openly promoting a military coup of congress. being a milfag myself i find this disgusting. While this would make it easier to do whatever we want it would not be in our countries best interest. Please get rid of his severe retardation before it becomes contagious.
There is no such game mechanics for a "military coup of Congress." I have been clear that I promote and encourage soldiers to run for Congress-- it's a war-based game and the bulk of our Taxes are budgeted to the Military, yet Military representation in politics is relatively small. There are bright minds in every branch of the US Military who might wish to also play this aspect of the game, and I think the country would benefit from every bright mind it can get in Congress.
I don't see anyone, including me, making a stink about the number of Militia members in Congress.

the rest of my story:
they keep saying I've called GLaDOS names-- I haven't. I made a stink when he was first granted citizenship over two months ago. I never used the word "traitor" it was "treason" and that was directed at those who granted citizenship to GLaDOS and Medi. and I dropped it within a couple days-- Emerick and the Troll Patrol has kept this inflammatory issue alive all this time, twisting the simple facts and calling me a traitor. meanwhile I've expressed my own admiration for GLaDOS's literary skills and talent as an expert propagandist.

I've been slammed for "wasting votes" by campaigning to win, while many candidates rack up scores in the hundreds-- look at the results pages-- and I don't see any attacks on anyone else claiming they're responsible for failed ATOs worldwide. It's constantly projected that I should "tell my people" to vote this way or that, yet as this past election clearly shows I do not have people who vote at my command. I was in IRC begging for votes, for myself as well as for other candidates I endorsed-- hardly in control of some destiny-changing bloc.

I've tried numerous times to back off, to end the whole Custer vs SEES feud-- I've stated clearly that I don't give a rat's ass if children want to play Nazi, it concerns me that players fall for this crap but I'm tired of leading the fight against it and am plenty willing to drop the whole thing. Further, it appears that SEES sees the counter-productive value of this negative image and has, themselves, toned it down a lot.
my main bitch has been about the gang-style trolling, which is intimidating and is well within the definition of internet bullying, that is a trademark tactic of SEES & Company. to have pointed out that this behavior fits in nicely with the image they had developed for themselves was a pure gold bonus to me.

y'all can pack up your Brown Shirts and armbands, continue on your quest for world domination, Hail to the Chief and Praise Dio-- of course! this is the object of the game! rock on, soul bruthas, you da (collective) man!
but I don't think I can ever back down from being critical of the gang-troll method of suppressing opposition.
this thread, Porter's making it a personal point to destroy me, my newspaper, my political career, silence my voice and end my vote in Congress... and seeing the same parade of characters cheering him on, only serves to illustrate my point.

y'all have a long record of publicly destroying players' reputations and driving them from this game. it's not like I'd the first to be declared an Enemy and had a full-on effort launched to be rid of me.
this is.. and Candor hit it clean on the head.. this Congress and even the Party President thing are not about ego for me.. these are areas of the game I had not explored at all till after playing for a year. I'd gone full circle with the military game thing and played with having companies and stunk real bad at playing the money market, so I'm playing another aspect of the game for a while.
I've already started to work on replacing myself at my Party. if that goes down it'll be because nobody wants to pick up the cause and if there's no support for it then I'm done being the Lone Ranger American Military Party guy and can call that a fun part of the game I'm tired of and done with.
If I don't get into Congress again I'm okay with that, too. I'd like to stay on, I like to think my contributions are worth something and I like playing that part of the game... but it's not my life's work and it's not my whole game.
y'all talk about my ego, the roleplaying (hello! George Custer... obnoxious, flashy, more lucky than smart... what do ya think, I just picked that name outta a hat when I signed up to play this game?).. look around, man, and see some of the raging egos we have running around in this game, and note the positions of power and how they play them..
small aside, here.. when Jameson was driving across the country a while back and arranged for a visit, I joked that we might have to visit outside because I didn't think we could fit two egos this size into my tiny living room. so I wonder if maybe some other massive ego players here just can't make room in the game for another high profile dynamic personality, and what kind of personality flaw is it that can't allow such a player into their circle of influence?

and not a concerted effort? I'm just a paranoid conspiracy theorist crazy man? this thread, just as a quick scroll through my articles' Comments sections and making note of the same names and the same tactics day after day, clearly show there is, indeed, a purposeful intent by this group of people to drive me from the game.
I happen to have a decent command of our language and a flair for expression.. to be critical of my writing style is absurd, but it fits in as just another jab, another kick in the gang-style personal attack method being utilized against me. this is not innuendo.. read this thread! they say so, unabashedly, that this is the intent.

like Candor said, you won't shut me up, you'll just give me less to protect and nothing to lose, and I can play this game just fine as a crazy old man with a newspaper who has nothing else to do but be a thorn in your side.
go ahead, put me in that position.
so... lay off, or bring it on. whatever.

Sing along now, kids, this is gonna be the mantra around here;
What kind of game do you play, what kind of players do you like to align yourself with?
What kind of leaders do you want, what kind of leadership do you expect of them?
What kind of country do you want to "live" in and play for?

Well, I got a hammer, and I got a bell, and I got a song to sing.
And so do you.

The American Military Party
Dedicated to supporting our US Soldiers' interests in Government
by supporting US Soldiers' campaigns to Congress and the Presidency.

Watch this paper for announcements regarding the AMP.