How they reap you apart...

Day 1,270, 11:09 Published in Greece Greece by Makedonissa

For those that haven't understood it yet, this is an article about how the admins and their new changes will reap our pockets...again.

Let me first start by saying that in general, I like some aspects of the new econ module.
For example, I like the fact that there are different Q's in raw materials also, I like the fact that there is a direct connection between raws and final products, I like the way the bonuses are implemented on the daily work, I like it that the "work as manager" usage is not depended on manager's health.
But that's it. And mostly as you can see, it is practical issues and not econ ones.

But. WTH????
And it's a big "WTH"....
I am referring to the usage of storage.
Lets take a look at a Q5 weapons company like mine. I have 10 Guru*-Guru*** workers which happen to be members of our Military Unit, the Macedonian Phalanx. This means that we need daily 6-7000 raw materials at day change.
Lets calculate the cost of a Q5 weapons company for a Military Unit.
380 gold to create the company and another 35 gold to buy 9000 storage slots. So the actual price of a Q5 weapons company cannot possibly be 380 gold in any case. It is more likely 415 gold instead.

When the admins first introduced the storage system, I proposed to them to at least give 1500 storage bonus per Q per company. This means that not only you actually make a Q5 weapons company worth the 380 gold, but you also provide the means to the owner to operate it. Now you are just saying to the owner
"Buy/upgrade a Q5 weapons company, but don't use"
With my suggestion, a Q5 company owner would automatically have 7500 storage slots, which is enough for both the raws and the final products.

Unfortunately, the admins never listen to us users. What they always plan and try to figure out is how to get more gold out of our virtual pockets and subsequently, more Euros/Dollars/whatever other currency from our RL pockets.
I am not going to ask you to boycott anything. I am just providing some info for those that find these changes "very nice", "smart thinking", "at last something useful" and all those naive comments.
Wake up guys, you are not here to have a nice, free of charge game. You are here as guinea pigs for (a very possible) commercial version of the game 😃

Thank you