How is this fair Plato ?

Day 1,570, 00:24 Published in China Romania by curcubitator

For the last 6 months 1 Gold was sold with ~500 CNY and bought with ~600.

The conversion rate was calculated based on the last 30 days.

Let's remember what happened in this last 30 days:

~ 44% less gold in company upgrades promotion made 1 gold to be almost 700 cny

~ Q2 training center made 1 Gold almost 800 cny

And then you calculated the conversion rate at 1.6 when the normal should have been 1.9 .

All in all, 2 months ago (before you disturbed MM with promotions) 6 000 cny was 10 Gold.

After conversion 1.6 X 6 000 = 9 600 .

Looking on MM 1 Gold = 1 400 cny.


With the same amount of cny (converted or not) 2 months ago before you made improvements to the game a citizen could buy 10 Gold and now only 6.85 .

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How is this fair Plato ?