Highest take home pay 2926, time: 05:00

Day 2,926, 05:18 Published in USA USA by ComputerSpeaker

First and foremost, Join the Black Sheep Party

serbia market 88.65 take home 84.22

romania market wage 87.88 take home 83.49

poland market 83.60 take home 81.09

greece market 84.60 take home 80.37


USA market 88.25 take home 75.00

Well, We still have elevated wep prices. Wep raw price is very correlated to q7 weapons. This means we are not fully using our q7 wep factories due to raw prices being too high. Wep raw prices will have to rise to about 0.18 in order for hiring emplyees for the wep raw production facility to be profitable to hire employees. Then q7 wep price will have to reach about 42.50. so we are still significantly under what I would expect q7 wep prices to be!

just some advice. wage in america 75 take home, and working over time 7 times results in 525 with working over time. q1 houses cost 400. so if a player buys a q1 house and works over time they will net 125 extra a week. about 17 a day extra; most buildings waming is less profitable than this!

I will supply everyone with 1-4 q7 weps and maybe 0-40 q6 food, if you comment. the higher quality the comment, the more applicable to the article. the more items i will give you!